parkrun thread

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May 2019
10:23am, 13 May 2019
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Yes DeeGee, though I usually start with the course :-) Quite a few though are places where car parking would be an issue though. "Notional parkruns" are another series of blogs unwritten (want pictures to go with the courses).

Here is a rough draft of a course though, Glasgow area. Somewhere I had passed hundreds of times, but never properly visited until a couple of weeks ago.
May 2019
10:32am, 13 May 2019
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I guess I must be utterly ignorant because I've never noticed any of these horrible, rude, up themselves cowl wearers anywhere. Is this really how people see them/me?

It makes me incredibly sad that what started out as a bit of fun for a few friends has apparently turned into something so negative, especially given the amazing support I got from the tourist community when my Dad died, but maybe it's time to stop wearing it :-(
May 2019
10:35am, 13 May 2019
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The tailwalker should normally be behind the last person, although we did have a case a few weeks ago when the 3rd from last went to the loo at the start of on lap 3 and the taily unknowingly overtook them! Also in a busy park with multi laps the taily can sometimes lose track, particularly if the last person drops out and they have to run to catch up the new tail and spot who's parkrunning and who's just out in the park.

There isn't a rule that says there's a cut off when the taily finishes, so if someone for whatever reason is behind we'd still add them in - they'd just have to make sure the RD was aware and ask to be added.
May 2019
10:38am, 13 May 2019
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I don't think you're ignorant at all, KinkyS, and I do hope no-one stops wearing whatever they like.

I think it's a bit of an overstretch to assume that if one person belonging to a group has done something wrong, then it follows that everyone else in that group does too. There are douche-bags in every element of society. The one thing they have in common is that they're douche-bags.
May 2019
10:39am, 13 May 2019
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Can someone remind me what the Cow Cowl is for? Is it 100 different runs or something?

Not one I can ever see me getting, given the geographical spread up here.
May 2019
10:42am, 13 May 2019
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Jovi Runner
I have been bad mouthed online when 've stated the restrictions of our parkrun (Fountains Abbey, having to be in/out of the grounds by specific times due to Licence issues). Been told I;m not inclusive enough as people should be able to take as long as they like with no regard to the rules we have to abide by to keep the event going and the goodwill of the NT.

So it was fantastic this week to get a really supportive comment from a tourist on our webpage saying it was the most friendly, inclusive feeling event they'd done.
May 2019
10:42am, 13 May 2019
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Yes DeeGee, I often use the route planner here to 'measure' possible routes.
May 2019
10:47am, 13 May 2019
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KinkyS, it hasn't turned into anything negative, so dont be sad. It's a group and groups can attract criticism for both justifiable and non-justifiable reasons. Sometimes criticism of groups is a little casual on here but its a forum. If its not cowl wearers, it might be buggies, slow runners, ultra-runners, general public etc. - Personally I wouldnt wear a cowl when I get to that point simply because I would be self-conscious
May 2019
10:48am, 13 May 2019
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cross post with Fetch there...
May 2019
10:53am, 13 May 2019
6,402 posts
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Is it just me or does this cow thing sound unbelievably sad?

About This Thread

Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Here's a wiki giving brief reviews of parkruns up and down the land:

parkruns with restart permission:

Note: Hendo is a boy.

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