parkrun thread

1 lurker | 507 watchers
May 2019
12:23pm, 13 May 2019
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I have a cow cowl, I like to wear it as it often helps strike up a conversation. There are plenty of a-holes who don’t have one. And I think judging anything like that is a bit sad - if you don’t want one, don’t get one, but don’t judge those who do

I also find the FB group associated with the cowl super helpful for info when touristing
May 2019
12:31pm, 13 May 2019
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You know what? I don't know the best way to approach it. I'm not in the habit of trying to make other events I visit like Cleethorpes, though. I presume the local team know what they're doing, and that if the regulars aren't happy with the approach of a marshall, that they might mention it to the ED in passing during one of the weeks that they run.

What I wouldn't do is either bollock the RD first thing because they didn't turn up as early as the RD at my "home" event, or, better than that, summon the ED and RD (and local ambassador) over at the end to spend twenty minutes telling me "how you can improve things", including completely reconstructing the finish area and installing actual physical hardware with power tools and everything.
May 2019
12:34pm, 13 May 2019
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Apologies if I've offended the cowl-wearers. Hopefully from next week I'll be one as well. I know that the vast majority of tourists are fantastic people who love the diversity of different events.
May 2019
12:45pm, 13 May 2019
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The vast majority of parkrunners are decent people. Some of them are pillocks, it would be surprising if in any gathering of say 500 people there weren't one or two. Some have constructive points to make but maybe aren't great at putting them across when they've used up their brain's oxygen ;-)

The ones who I reserve my opprobrium for are the emailers - they've had a chance to reflect on what they're saying and how they say it, and there's no excuse for rudeness or arrogance in an email. But we're surely talking about a tiny number (which is probably why it ruffles our feathers so much) and parkrun is still a happy community of people who enjoy a run on a Saturday morning.
May 2019
1:00pm, 13 May 2019
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I think the original points highlighted some inconsiderate parkrunners who tried to tell local events that they know best ,or were causing an obstruction.

The fact that these may or may not have been have been 250 or cow cowl people is neither here nor there, but the 2 instances mentioned didn't seem to be the way people should conduct themselves.

I have never seen any of these cow/cowls so assume they either don't get as far north as Edinburgh or I just have never noticed!
May 2019
1:09pm, 13 May 2019
28 posts
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At least if people are wearing the cowl I can go up and say "where have you toured from?" (though at Southsea there was a man wearing it who was actually at his home run - for a change, as he said). I do have one but don't often wear it, more likely to tie it to my rucksack (which I am carrying as I will have got there by public transport). The apricot shirt is also good as an identifier if away from the home run.
May 2019
1:17pm, 13 May 2019
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Crikey, I have led a sheltered life. I was on my local parkrun core team committee for a couple of years & I'm often the volunteer coordinator there, but I've never heard about cow cowls.

Perhaps I should get out more!
May 2019
1:30pm, 13 May 2019
66,865 posts
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Nearly 400 parkruns and many more as a volunteer at a lot of different parkruns and I have never heard of or seen a Cow cowl wearer.

My life is truly sheltered :-)

Like most things it is always an arsehole who is remembered and not the nice people Kinky !!

If in France go to Pierre de Bresse. Lovely location, great social . This time I even found a great place to stay if you want to make a few days of the area.

A place called L'evidence . Bike and runner friendly.
May 2019
1:30pm, 13 May 2019
66,866 posts
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I'm remembered by most so probably just called myself an arsehole !
May 2019
1:49pm, 13 May 2019
7,483 posts
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Cowls are something you spot if you know what to look for. I hadn't noticed them at all until I googled them, and now I see them all the time. I guess they are hidden in plain sight for most people, though in the summer if you're wearing a buff (for that is what they are called in my household) you'd stand out a little as it presumably provides more heat / insulation than you really need, even at 9am!

We stayed at when we ran at Pierre-de-Bresse, about 10 minutes down the road in the car from the parkrun. Quirky but pleasant enough for a night's stay, and the food looked OK (we'd already eaten). L'evidence looks lovely though, nicer still.

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Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

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Note: Hendo is a boy.

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