May 2018
9:45am, 27 May 2018
1,372 posts
Big thumbs up for good dentists from me.
Dreadful childhood experiences ( actual dentist name Mr Savage 😫) make me SO appreciative of how it is now.
May 2018
11:25am, 27 May 2018
2,580 posts
Thank goodness that dentistry has progressed so much. The experience of "gas" as a kid in the early 1960's and a dentist who was also a "savage" (!) prevented me from going to a dentist again for twenty years. Luckily my parents instilled in me a strong awareness of keeping one's teeth clean and my teeth, except for a filling or two, were ok.
May 2018
11:35am, 27 May 2018
38,340 posts
I very much approve of how much more "hands-off" and conservative dentistry has become over the years.
May 2018
6:22pm, 27 May 2018
2,917 posts
Eynsham Red
My childhood dentist would give us a packet of sweet cigarettes after our checkups! In hindsight he was probably investing in the future!
May 2018
7:13pm, 27 May 2018
9,012 posts
I need to find a's been a while since I last visited one and I'm probably due for a good cleaning.
May 2018
1:33pm, 28 May 2018
5,028 posts
You will be lucky if you are able to find a National Health Practice. Mine used to do national health treatment, but it is private treatment only now.
Steve45, I remember the school clinic dentist, removing teeth after scaring the life out of me by holding a gas mask over my face.There was no warning, he just pushed it on to me. I remember trying to push it away. The drill was operated by a foot pedal and the speed of the drill was dependent on how quickly he moved his foot up and down. Also, no pain killing injections for fillings. It's a wonder I wasn't put off dentists for life.
May 2018
3:56pm, 28 May 2018
9,014 posts
I'm not holding my breath re NH practice. I used to go to one in Bristol over 20 years ago...and I did visit a private one locally but then they put their prices up and my teeth were fine, so stopped going for a good while.
May 2018
3:59pm, 28 May 2018
29,653 posts
Lip Gloss
I still have a NHS practice and go religiously every 6 months incase I'm struck off and then it will be hard to find another.
May 2018
5:42pm, 28 May 2018
2,922 posts
Eynsham Red
I’ve jiggered around over the years finding NHS practices when my existing practice’s went private. Eventually I got fed up and stayed with the last practice that went private simply because I have a good deal of faith in the work and decisions made by my dentist. I still go every six months.
May 2018
6:17pm, 28 May 2018
4,558 posts
My childhood NHS dentist was excellent, remember gas too.
NHS dentist I ended up with as a young adult was pretty poor, especially in comparison, he had a constant stream of newly qualified dentists work in his practice, I had appointments with them, all better than him to varying degrees!
Went private when got together with MrsBanjo, she'd already been private with a very good dentist, having been traumatized by the same poor dentist I'd had.