Mr Average

28 watchers
Mar 2013
11:54am, 13 Mar 2013
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I'd be interested to know what you might say that I might not like....

I know my training needs a kick up the backside, especially recently.
Mar 2013
11:57am, 13 Mar 2013
7,716 posts
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50?! If I had time to run 5 miles a week I would be delighted.
Mar 2013
11:58am, 13 Mar 2013
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Simple really

Your training is erratic at best and in reality for someone who has a marathon PB non existent. I have bust ankle and am not supposed to run(much) yet there are months where you do not much more than me.

That of course is fixable with a kick up the backside :¬)

Second point and as I said earlier, you run too fast which is why you performances tail off after 5km. Had a quick scan of what you do and it looks like someone told you that all your running should be between 9 and 10 min mile pace which is so far from the truth that it is damaging your aerobic development. I would surmise that even on your limited training you are often knackered.
Mar 2013
12:02pm, 13 Mar 2013
859 posts
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Thanks Gobi - appriceate the advice, I'm already comitted to Manchester Marathon this year but will move towards the shorter stuff after that.
Mar 2013
12:03pm, 13 Mar 2013
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Yeah, it has been erratic. Stuff has got in the way too much, this year especially.

I do do most of my running at 10 min+ pace though, the 9-10 min miles of the last couple of weeks are atypical.

I know I need more, slower miles.... I'm not planning any longer distances for a bit though, hoping to try and get my 5k and 10k times a bit closer to where they were.
Mar 2013
12:06pm, 13 Mar 2013
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Sheri, I have some experience of improving as a fortysomething woman. As Gobi says, it involved training consistently, frequently, and not too quickly. And accepting that improvement wouldn't come all at once - it took me seven years from starting running to get my current marathon PB, and I suspect that's not quite the best I could do if I was to get stuck back into training properly for marathons.
Mar 2013
12:11pm, 13 Mar 2013
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Sheri - even with shorter work you need to SLOW DOWN the basic base work

Simple training for adults who think intervals are needed is something like this

Mon - REST
Tues - km reps at race pace
Wed - 60 mins EASY

Thursday - 5 miles with 2 through 4 TEMPO (Tempo is 10km pace plus 10-15 second a mile)

Friday - REST
Sat - Go smash a parkrun with a mile either side

Sunday - 60 -90 mins EASY

As a plan this would make progress over 7 weeks assuming the easy runs are EASY and the speed is done properly.

usually as a coach I have 4 variations of the speedwork just to keep you guessing

Personally I would not smash the parkrun everyweek but maybe do Week 1 (benchmark) Week 4 (intermediate test) Week 7 (see results)
Mar 2013
12:12pm, 13 Mar 2013
15,527 posts
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Thanks. I want to improve but I'm kind of stuck in a rut at the moment and struggling to get out of it!
Mar 2013
12:13pm, 13 Mar 2013
15,528 posts
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X-post, thanks Gobi, that looks doable.
Mar 2013
12:16pm, 13 Mar 2013
50,599 posts
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Free training plans are us :¬)

The irony being this would also work

mon rest

Tue 60 mins steady
Wed 60 mins EASY

Thur 60 mins steady
Friday rest

Saturday SMASH THE PARKRUN with mile either side
Sunday 90 mins EASY

Sadly adults don't here that as every likes to big up HIIT and other do no volume speedwork rocks ideas :¬)

I'm in 18 min 5km shape at the moment(someway from my running best) off 12hrs of cycling a week mostly easy and about 3 miles of running most weeks

Why has my time come down from 19 mins with no specific run training ?


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Maintained by WobblyBob
So i was reading Dee Gee's thread the other day about Multi Marathoning and he referenced that Tom ...

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