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Mr Average

28 watchers
Mar 2013
9:38pm, 12 Mar 2013
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So i was reading Dee Gee's thread the other day about Multi Marathoning and he referenced that Tom Williams of "Marathon Talk" had claimed that a Healthy Average man should be capable of achieving a sub 3 hr Marathon (with the right training etc). As somone who signed up to attempt for a GFA place for VLM by 2016 I was interested by the statement and wondered if it was true? I even mailed the Dark Lord to ask if he thought it was so (he does). So that got me thinking some more.... I'm at best Average where running is concerned but I am improving through training - So could that statement apply to me?

I know I have areas to work on with regards losing the weight (Currently about 224lb/16stone) and I know enough from reading Fetch that I will have to up the mileage over time. But if you where me how would you approach this? Would you focus on getting quicker at the shorter distances (i.e. achieving sub 20 5km etc) before working on the longer stuff. Or would you keep training to the marathon distance over say a six month cycle and then repeat?

So effectivley I've got two years to give this my best shot, is that enough time? Have any of you Lovely people done something similar? In fact are there any other fetchies who have gone from a 5hr+ Mara to a Sub 3 Mara? I only want a 3:10 ;-)
Mar 2013
9:48pm, 12 Mar 2013
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I trained to where I am now on a four year cycle :)

Its just a matter of constantly building. Somebody will be along to tell you to build your base, but you are a long way off yet, and I would just lose interest if I didn't do a few races etc. Do what you enjoy, if its 5k, then do thse, but keep chipping away at the weight loss and use a structured plan of long slow runs, intervals and tempo sessions which slowly, but consistently build.
Mar 2013
9:57pm, 12 Mar 2013
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Cheers Johnny, I know I'm a long way off and I take your point about doing a few races and not losing interest. Just wondered if anyone had actually made that much improvement in two years?
Mar 2013
9:58pm, 12 Mar 2013
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Well, in 2009, I was 16 stone and couldn't run for a bus. Last year I ran 3.11.
Its not two years, but if you are already running, you've got a head start on me.
Mar 2013
10:03pm, 12 Mar 2013
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Thats good enough for me Fella. Do you mind if I ask what you weigh now?
Mar 2013
10:06pm, 12 Mar 2013
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74kg (just under 12 stone), I often hover a bit higher if I am not specifically training, but the general trend is still down. I have suits I bought a year ago that I can't wear.
Mar 2013
10:09pm, 12 Mar 2013
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4 Stone :-o well done mate, I've lost 3 stone couple of years ago but nothing for the last year and have been hovering around the 16 mark. Not sure I can see myself being 12 stone.... but defo something to aim for.
Mar 2013
10:11pm, 12 Mar 2013
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Sub 3 is hard......

I ran my first marathon in 3:42 at age 38......I progressed to 3:03 via a 3:19 and 3:08 at age 41. My weight didnt drop by much but my training volume and quality improved. Ive not progressed and am now 45.....part of my problem has been injury, but I still hope that a sub 3 is within me

My approach would be to gradually up the miles, not worrying about speed, easy and steady running, but build gradually. You will get faster as a result without having to train for it.....more miles always brings some good gains - if managed succesfully. A regular 5k or 10k will help you assess progress
Mar 2013
7:58am, 13 Mar 2013
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Thanks Baz, not looking for sub 3.... I'd take sub 3:10 ;-)

I like your approach but my concern or perhaps lack of faithis that I wont make the improvements. I've got Manchester coming up so hopping to do sub 4:30 there and then I've got another Marathon later in the year so hopping to up the mileage for that one and see what benefits it brings.
Mar 2013
8:02am, 13 Mar 2013
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*drops by to say hello*

*goes away again to stalk Johnny O's mileage*

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Maintained by WobblyBob
So i was reading Dee Gee's thread the other day about Multi Marathoning and he referenced that Tom ...
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