Apr 2016
2:06pm, 20 Apr 2016
20,853 posts
6 and a bit weeks until I have my ovaries out - can't have HRT for the same reasons I'm having the op, so I'm not sure how I'll be - the family have been warned not to make me grumpy! Right now, at nearly 51, the flushes are manageable and I'm fitter and healthier than I've been for years
Apr 2016
2:16pm, 20 Apr 2016
32,133 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Apr 2016
2:58pm, 20 Apr 2016
6,171 posts
Little Nemo - this kitten can
This is an interesting thread for me as I started the menopause about 3-4 years ago which was a bit early. After talking it over with my doctor I went onto HRT as I couldn't stand the hot flushes, even though they're not as bad as some of the ones described on here! However I'll probably have to stop HRT when I turn 50 next year as my doctor has said I should only take it for a few years. I'm dreading it as I'm guessing the hot flushes and other symptoms will probably come back
Apr 2016
3:47pm, 20 Apr 2016
9,690 posts
*watches thread*
Apr 2016
3:54pm, 20 Apr 2016
1,585 posts
Fizz :-)
*avoids watching thread*
(I'll be back in a year or two)
May 2016
1:21pm, 31 May 2016
7,357 posts
Mrs Muckyhands
For those who cannot have HRT you probably cannot take Red Clover or Black Cohosh have you tried taking Menosage? It tastes like piss, but it suppose to help
May 2016
6:27pm, 31 May 2016
17 posts
I took HRT for about 2 years to avoid symptoms but stopped in December, aged 51 and a half, mainly by accident because I didn't get to the docator in time for my repeat prescription, and then they'd stopped making the one I was on, and then I had to wait for my next period to re-start, and it simply never came!
I have to say I had 4 months of horrific hot flushes, especially at night when I would wake up drenched several times, and then lie awake with my mind pointlessly racing. I was exhausted.
I think people underestimate the mental health effects of menopause, the weird baseless anxiety that barely left me, and at times made me fell totally out of control, or totally useless. It was really hard to keep going at times.
.....but, I have to say, post HRT, I was over the worst in about 4 months. I am definitely on my way out the other side now thank goodness. Although HRT doesn't allow you to avoid it completely, I think it can shorten it if you take it for long enough. I think you can avoid the whole thing going on for years.
May 2016
7:39pm, 31 May 2016
12,849 posts
I remember this thread! Menopause wasn't too bad for me, although the run up to it was. Felt out of control a lot of the time and as though I was someone else! However as soon as my periods actually stopped I felt OK and now (I'm 65 now) can barely remember what it was like! I love being post-menopausal - such freedom!
May 2016
7:42pm, 31 May 2016
21,069 posts
Just everyone be nice to me after Friday
May 2016
10:25pm, 31 May 2016
7,742 posts
HellsBells I had my ovaries removed in 2007 and also could take HRT so went through it all cold turkey. Totally different as its an instant hit and rather intense but I survived
If you want to fmail me please do so. Good luck for the op xx