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Menopause and running

150 watchers
May 2011
7:48pm, 17 May 2011
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Minnie Mad
I'm going through this now, although I'm only 41. The average age is 50. What with running, working as a dinner lady and hot flushes I spend about 70% of my life in a hot sweat. But I am running faster than I was 12 years ago so its not all bad.

Tried HRT but it didn't work for me, although it did cut down on the hot flushes it gave me heavy periods, one was so bad I had to miss a race I had entered!

I'd rather just have none, its less hassle. Lack of sleep can be an issue when its really hot, but I've just ditched the nightwear and got a 5 tog duvet.
Jun 2011
10:46pm, 19 Jun 2011
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I find problems with the night sweats and broken sleep, absolutely saturated pillow and sheets and feel cold and shivery after, to avoid waking OH I lay a bath towel on the bed and one over to cover me after changing into another top, usually an old dri fit. My sister reckoned if you need the toilet through the night best not to ignore this till your absolutely bursting as this can trigger a particularly bad sweat, your nights sleep will be broken whatever you do, it's just all pant's being at this time of life.
Jun 2011
3:11pm, 20 Jun 2011
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I had ovaries removed 3 years ago at 38 :( and hit instant menopause (not good, it was horrendous) but I would say within 18 months they settled. My temperature fluctuates so much that I'm cold one minute then burning hot the next but no-where near what they were.

I do find that I am hot all the time now, and until this point in time I was always a cold person. Since the operation I havent slept properly, I am awake off and on through the night and that really kills me as I always seem to get into a nice sleep around 4.30ish and alarm goes off at 5.45.

Interesting in what your sister said mad4it, I drink gallons of water through the night then need to go to the loo every other wake up which I try to ignore!

As for getting faster when running I can only hope that happens I find I've got a lot slower and dont feel as if I'm improving at all - but with the constant injuries I get I am hardly consistent in training.

And men say they have it hard!!
Jun 2011
3:41pm, 20 Jun 2011
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Still flushing but aiming to improve times :)
Like GG I had everything removed @ 33 due to pre cancerous doodahs and went straight onto HRT.:) Feklt great but then in 2008 had hormone receptor positive BC so off all the hormones and onto hormone eliminating drugs.

Finally after chemo etc feel like my old self and although I flush a bit my main issue is a rapid change of shape and sudden weight gain which I struggle to shift.

Jenny will also be testament to my increasingly poor balance :):)
Jun 2011
4:50pm, 21 Jun 2011
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Well now I'm wondering if my night sweats and interrupted sleep are more than just an irritation!
Jun 2011
5:29pm, 21 Jun 2011
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I take a minipause inbetween intervals :)
Jun 2011
5:31pm, 21 Jun 2011
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Hills of Death (HOD)
It's always nice to see our cousins from the US and A 'attempting' humour.

On this occasion 6.5/10 ;)
Jun 2011
6:35pm, 21 Jun 2011
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HOD, I like to think of you as a brother :)
Jun 2011
6:36pm, 21 Jun 2011
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Ok Bruv
Apr 2016
1:47pm, 20 Apr 2016
767 posts
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Just giving this old thread a little prod following on from my somewhat whingy blog about peri-menopausal symptoms.

the hot flushes seem to be settling down a bit at the moment , and I only got woken a couple of times last night, though I was so tired I probably could have slept through armageddon ;-)
still dithering about whether my symptoms are 'bad' enough to bother my gp - I'll give it another week or so and see how how I feel.

(also giving starflower oil and Vit B6 a go )

About This Thread

Last July a blood test indicated that I was going through the menopause (GP did it as due to using D...
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