Ladies Who Lift...

2 lurkers | 95 watchers
Aug 2023
3:00pm, 15 Aug 2023
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(looks at sharkie with confused wide eyes)

Aug 2023
3:04pm, 15 Aug 2023
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Glute contraction is something I do as back rehab. It's not going to develop huge muscles any time soon, though!
Aug 2023
3:08pm, 15 Aug 2023
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I guess glute contraction will help activate the muscles but not "tone"

which is what she was implying - the way to a 6pack and toned bum was contractions
Aug 2023
3:11pm, 15 Aug 2023
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Come on Pix - you've been doing exercise for AGES you must know about the best known types of muscle contraction : isometric, concentric, and eccentric.
Aug 2023
3:18pm, 15 Aug 2023
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Reminds me of the Victoria Principal workout ages ago, I'm sure it was promoted on the basis that you could do most of while waiting for a bus!
Aug 2023
3:20pm, 15 Aug 2023
41,087 posts
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THing with that is the magazine sound slike it's worded it that doing squeezes will "help" to get a "summer body" (whatever that is. I mean, if you've got a body and it's the summer....) and it will, but only marginally.

You're not going to get a six-pack from just doing some squeezing no matter how much squeezing you do. You need to burn additional calories somewhere in your day and reduce your intake so your bodyfat %age drops enough for any abs you've got to show through.

I guess if your options are to do nothing or do a bit of squeezing, squeeze away. There are more effective options available, though. 6PR for example (You're welcome SPR;-)).
Aug 2023
3:39pm, 15 Aug 2023
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sorry Sharkie I thought you were agreeing that it really makes a difference!

I guess it's like err callanetics(?) where you do lots of tiny moves like they did in the 80s-90s where you do 100 tiny repetitive moves?

(nice 6PR there Nellers but this is the lady who thinks the best way to lose weight and get a summer body is a gastric band and or baby food diet)
Aug 2023
3:42pm, 15 Aug 2023
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Oh dear 🤦‍♀️
Aug 2023
3:46pm, 15 Aug 2023
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[FDNB she said she lost weight (very rapidly) through baby food and tiny portions of whatever she wanted but only X number of mouthfuls chewed 100 times each!) but given how much she lost and how rapidly and her knowledge of gastric surgery and previous comments on her desire to have it everyone thinks she popped home to Poland and had it done (she gained 3st during lockdown mainly through drinking)]
Aug 2023
3:46pm, 15 Aug 2023
29,694 posts
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Well, you can ‘train’ muscles by thinking about contacting them - apparently.

But not make them grow

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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