Jan 2016
12:21pm, 15 Jan 2016
68,564 posts
I am going to advertise my gardening services on the local flicks in the stcks. A tenner for the year. It will get show before every film. I only need one one off job to earn it back but hoping to find more work/ new regulars this way...
Jan 2016
5:06pm, 15 Jan 2016
5,345 posts
MeLAR. Structure is important but must also include some you time. You cannot spend 8 hrs a day job hunting, so make sure that you cut yourself some slack by scheduling 'off' time, otherwise you'll drive yourself mad.
Also remember that while it is the most important thing in the world to you, as you want everything done and sorted straight away, the companies you apply to will be moving at a much slower pace and may not come back to you, sometimes for several days. Very frustrating, but your application is unfortunately to them just one of many and they may be handling 15-20 other vacancies at the same time. No news is not bad news, it's just not yet news
Jan 2016
3:57pm, 21 Jan 2016
2,625 posts
Couple of interviews lined up next week, lots of agencies calling to take my details with very little response. One for a call centre. So on the whole a bit of a proactive week and even got a few miles in the keep my head clear
Jan 2016
4:27pm, 21 Jan 2016
1,621 posts
Elsie Too
Great start MeLAR, well done. My interview went very well on Monday. I start my new job next Tuesday, so it will be 2 months almost to the day that I was made redundant. They are starting me on a temporary contract with the aim of making it permanent but they were a little concerned about the amount of experience I have in some areas so they are keeping their options open in case I'm rubbish. Hopefully I won't be!
I loved phoning the job centre and saying I didn't need to claim any more job seekers.
I really hope you find something soon MeLAR.
Jan 2016
9:14pm, 21 Jan 2016
248 posts
Well done everyone! I'm back to trawling job searches in the evenings & kicking myself for not choosing an actual 'trade' whilst at school/uni stage. My OH have pretty much agreed that I try to find another job, but that I hand in my notice regardless before the end of Feb (when my probation ends & I then have to give a month's notice, rather than a week). This has pretty much been compounded by being told to lie by the husband/owner of my workplace, if anyone questions the presence of a dog at the cattery, as they aren't licensed for it...
I'm still thinking about looking into studying for vet nursing, but as I already have an Honours degree, I would have to pay my yearly tuition fees - I do intend to go into one of the vet practices I used to frequent and ply with banana cakes whilst on my ARO contract and pick their brains though.
Jan 2016
9:12am, 22 Jan 2016
2,626 posts
Great news Elsie 😀 I have a lot of wishful thinking and what if moments but in truth I was never the academic at school, thoughts of further education was a punishment to me. Banana cake all the way IW 😜
Jan 2016
9:31am, 22 Jan 2016
1,987 posts
That's great news Elsie
Jan 2016
5:15pm, 22 Jan 2016
1,622 posts
Elsie Too
Thanks guys.
Jan 2016
9:07pm, 22 Jan 2016
3,409 posts
I've only just found this thread! Just read back a while... Most importantly Congrats Elsie that's great news :).
I was made redundant at the end of last year but am lucky to have 3 months gardening leave on full pay / benefits to end March. I've got some great support from an external outplacement support company called Right Management and have been on seminars about career planning, research, CV writing etc and have future workshops and webinars about topics such as social networking (mainly using LinkedIn), interview skills, self employment, networking etc. Plus some 1:1 career counselling sessions. Plus there is a website with a wealth of info and resources.
Through a lot of naval gazing, soul searching, thinking about what I enjoy most / am good at, I've decided I want to go into project management and therefore this week I have attended and passed my PRINCE2 Practitioner course :). A hard intense week but I loved it! Whilst I've done pm roles informally and been involved in projects a lot, I've not done it as a formal role before.
Now to knuckle down, get my CV and social media sorted then go out and get myself a job through whatever I need to do - applying for stuff, agencies, networking etc. Undecided whether to go down the contracting or permanent route. Keeping am open mind at the mo.
Ideally I will find something to start in April after Easter when my gardening leave finishes so I can leave my redundancy package intact.
All quite scary as I've been with the same company since I joined as a graduate 18 years ago but also excited by the opportunity and it was time for a change.
Jan 2016
7:38am, 23 Jan 2016
1,624 posts
Elsie Too
Wow Clare, you gave done so much good stuff there. I thought about doing PRINCE2 but in the end couldn't bare the thought of studying and exams! When I was considering it I was told there are loads of contractor jobs out there but I didn't really look. There were lots of permanent positions for people with PRINCE2 though. Good luck and thanks for the congratulations.
Have you seen the job board? Click on people, job board. Not much on there but you might get lucky.