Nov 2018
1:22pm, 14 Nov 2018
5,777 posts
I'd be inclined not to rest completely but keep moving gently between efforts.
What did you go for in the end CW?
Wow, Muttley - I've not even rowed a million metres yet!
Nov 2018
1:31pm, 14 Nov 2018
421 posts
Cats Whiskers
Thanks, Nellers and sallykate. I'll give that a go.
I've got a 2 year old Model D with a PM5. It's done about 145,000m, so hopefully plenty of life left.
I was originally going to go for something much older, but I watched lots of rowers on Ebay before buying and there didn't seem to be a huge difference in price between ones that were 10+ years with fairly high usage and much newer second-hand ones, so I decided to go for a newer one with a bit of warranty left. And I'm hoping that means they generally hold their value well.
Nov 2018
3:31pm, 14 Nov 2018
2,643 posts
Well earned pasties, Muttley!
Yes they're definitely a couple of characters, Nellers.
CW, congrats, that's barely run in.
Nov 2018
3:32pm, 14 Nov 2018
35 posts
145,000 metres ? thats brand new and barely run in !
I sold my previous model D for £600 having put 14 million metres on it. ..put another 4.5 million on the nice black machine I bought to replace it with.
Nov 2018
3:34pm, 14 Nov 2018
2,644 posts
^ Jinx
Matt Black ones are defo faster *fact*
Nov 2018
3:35pm, 14 Nov 2018
2,645 posts
L2 4 x 2,000 @ 2k + 7s for me today
Nov 2018
3:54pm, 14 Nov 2018
33,371 posts
I’ll be walking up to the gym tonight as the car is poorly. Not going to miss out on the session though. It’s only 5 x 2k but at steady pace. I’m still transitioning to the full 3-sessions-per-week-plus-steady-rows nelverine plan. Easy does it.
Nov 2018
5:29pm, 14 Nov 2018
36 posts
Black are built for stealth and streamlined ! ( ok, they were actually built for Rebock Cross Fit use )
4 x 2km.. sweet sweaty pain of a Lactate bath ! Enjoy MT ! :-D
Nellers, The walk there should be fine. Wobbly legs on the way back ?
Steady treadmill run for me today. I seem to be aching somewhat this week... not sure why !
Nov 2018
6:08pm, 14 Nov 2018
33,373 posts
Shouldn’t be too bad tonight. Not really planning to smash myself too hard. If i’m Still having to walk home after the 2k test on Saturday it might be another story!🤮
Nov 2018
10:58pm, 14 Nov 2018
33,375 posts
Walking home wasn't a problem despite myself.
The main set tonight was 5 x 2k with the pace supposed to be about 2:08, which is kind of a light tempo-ish kind of effort. What I actually did was 2:06, 2:05, 2:05, 2:04 and 2:02.
This illustrates the danger of mission creep and my inability to show any self control.
I also did 3 x 250 surges during my warm up as I was starting to worry about sustained pace for the 2k test on Saturday. I've done lots of metres but very very little at any sort of pace or higher stroke rate recently.
Anyway I banged out the 250s in 51, 52 and 50 seconds (in the 1:40s pace-wise) so I think I might be OK sustaining 1:55 or a smidge better on Saturday. Hope so.
We'll see won't we?