Indoor Rowing

1 lurker | 44 watchers
Nov 2020
11:46am, 25 Nov 2020
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Morning. And positive healing vibes to all who are crocked or recovering.

Just 5,000 today, at what one might describe as tempo pace in running parlance. Apropos heart rate oddities -- previous sessions on this one have been upper range of UT1 and straying into AT. Today I beat myself from last time, and hr barely lifted out of UT2. I have no idea what that says about my ticker!
Nov 2020
6:34pm, 25 Nov 2020
215 posts
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You're Sub7 royalty then Jef 😉 well done it's a great club and certainly grown alot since those early days!
I'm even more unsuccessful than Nellers at making the start line of 2k tests, 18 months since I managed an all out effort so I'm no use either, good luck with your 2k prep though!

Good effort Muttley, it shows you're either in fine shape or your hr strap needs a new battery 😂

Glad you're able to do stuff Nellers, how's your back and knee?

A steady 7k row yesterday and a 1.5 mile run this evening... now that had me puffing and panting!
Nov 2020
9:47pm, 25 Nov 2020
37,676 posts
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Knee is fine for rowing and even managed burpees but I'm not confident of it coping with running yet. Back seems fine so far but I've not tried any "yamming it" strokes yet or lifting anything heavy.

Muttley, I just think your ticker is bored. ;-)
Nov 2020
9:35am, 26 Nov 2020
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Heh, you could be right there Nellers. I've offered it a brisk run this morning, along the beach if the tide's out or the dunes if not. That'll wake it up.
Nov 2020
9:44am, 26 Nov 2020
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Ooooh, and yesterday's session has just nosed me into 3rd place, by a whisker!
Nov 2020
5:29pm, 26 Nov 2020
696 posts
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Cats Whiskers
Good to see you back, Jef!

Hope your recoveries continue well, Craggy and Nellers.

Muttley, I'm hoping today's 9K is enough for me to sneak past you again by a whisker or two.
Nov 2020
5:42pm, 26 Nov 2020
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Cats Whiskers
What HRM setup do you all use? I want to start monitoring my HR on the erg but am not sure how to set that up.

I've been using an ancient Garmin (I think it's a 310XT) for running but its HR strap has died, and the Garmin itself is a bit flaky, so I'll probably look to replace that at some point anyway.

This is probably a daft question, but do I need a separate strap to sync with the erg, or is it possible to use the strap from something like a Garmin with the erg? Thanks!
Nov 2020
6:06pm, 26 Nov 2020
181 posts
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Hi CW. Which PM monitor g doo you have ? Pretty much any Garmin belt will connect ( ANT ) I have a real old Garmin strap. 10 years. and a new one from a watch. Both connect. I also gave a Wahoo stand alone belt. Connects to app on phone .. and my Wattbike. And my C2 too. It works on both ANT and Bluetooth.
Nov 2020
6:14pm, 26 Nov 2020
698 posts
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Cats Whiskers
Thanks for that, Jef. It's a PM5, so sounds like any belt should connect once I get hold of one that works.
Nov 2020
11:17pm, 26 Nov 2020
1,100 posts
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I bought a cheap one off of amazon - Coospo or Cospoo.
It connects and works.
Also connects to my garmin 645 for cycling. I handlebar mount my watch.

About This Thread

Maintained by Nellers
How about a little league of 2000m times to see what we're up against:

Oranj (1988 vintage): 6:44.6
Jef(2010 vintage): 6:46.6
Foppotee 6:51.6
Nellers: 7:02.6
Pothunter (2005 vintage): 7:06
Jef: 7:06.4
_andy 7:10.9
Gym_Bunny: 7:16.9
Maclennane: 7:18.9
theOtherRichard: 7:22.5
Mouseytongue: 7:30.2
Rog T 7:33.9
Oranj: 7:37.6
Rich963: 7:39.3
NDWDave: 7:51.4
lammo: 7:56
Tiger Feet: 8:00.1
Muttley: 8:08.5
Cats Whiskers: 8:16.8
Fenners reborn 8:25
Angus Clydesdale: 8:47.2
BanjoBax: 9:13
Sally Kate: 9:18
Lesley C: 9:19
HellsBells: 9:23.1
Sweetie: 9:27
alpenrose: 10:03
GregP: 10:03

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