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Indoor Rowing

1 lurker | 43 watchers
Apr 2020
7:50pm, 19 Apr 2020
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I think most of us on the Rowing thread are of that certain age.

30 minutes steady state this morning, which was all very nice and comfortable until I realised about 28 minutes in that I could just about sneak over 6.8km and hit the afterburners.

Big mistake!
Apr 2020
11:06pm, 19 Apr 2020
138 posts
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Well done Muttley! I should probably stock some Jelly babies, biscuits aren't the easiest things to swallow during a 90 sec rest 😂

Thanks CW, I was pleased to be able to finish the challenge.

Difficult to find half marathon plans, I did find this one online ( rowsource.com ) but some of the sessions sound impossible... e.g 30 mins @5k pace, 20k @10k pace +3 seconds... unless I've read them wrong 🤔
But I'd imagine some long reps similar to Muttleys 15 min reps today would be good, and gradually build your long row up to 16-17k.

Haha well done Nellers, an eyeballs out final couple of minutes but a satisfying finish I would imagine!
Apr 2020
11:14pm, 19 Apr 2020
36,098 posts
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6811m, ave rate 18, rate at the finish 35! Ave HR 146, HR at the finish 166!

Fun but not really the plan.
Apr 2020
8:16am, 20 Apr 2020
139 posts
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Almost identical hr & Sr to my 500s the other day. Spur of the moment challenges are good 😁
Apr 2020
8:55am, 20 Apr 2020
647 posts
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Interesting half mara plan there. It seems to ramp up the distance very quickly, and I note that it's a linear plan that finishes on race day. I'm intending to use the Fletcher marathon plan as a continuing schedule.

This workout caught my eye: 60 min, 2.5 min. @ 5k pace > 30 sec. paddle. I'd have to program that carefully into RowPro because there's no way I'd keep track of that in my head!
Apr 2020
11:43am, 20 Apr 2020
36,101 posts
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I haven't seen a specific Half plan anywhere to be honest. I'd take a DIY/Mix and Match approach.

What do you need to be able to row a decent Half? The ability to sit on the rower and keep going for as long as it takes, and the ability for the pace you need not to feel like it's going to kill you. Both of those will be influenced by your technique.

So first off pick a regular rowing day each week that you have time around and start stretching that row out. So if you manage a regular Sunday morning 30 minute row, make it 35 next week, then 40 etc. (drop it back 10 minutes every 3rd or 4th week so you get some respite). Keep the pace comfortable.

If you find it easier to break that down do it as 15 minute (or longer) pieces but keep the rests short (60 seconds) as all you really need is a drink and to wipe the sweat off.

Other than that row your normal pattern but make one of the other rows, maybe on a Weds or Thurs if your long row is on Sunday so you get recovery, a tempo row: 5 minutes easy warm up, your normal distance but at least 20 minutes at what you want your target HM pace to be, then 5 minutes warm down. You can break that down into chunks if you like but the point is to be able to sustain that pace so don't go for 1 min on/1 min off. 5 minute chunks as a minimum I reckon, and no more than a minute or 2 recovery.

If you can manage one or maybe 2 other sessions each week then they should be easy pace and/or technique/stroke rate work.

It can all get very complicated, and there might be a lot of refinement that can be added in, but at it's core it's about being able to row for long enough at a sustainable pace with decent technique.
Apr 2020
3:46pm, 20 Apr 2020
648 posts
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Sounds sensible, Nellers. I'd guess even the Pete Plan would work, and somewhere Pete himself says that if you want to drop one element, the short sprint reps would be it. And replace with more mid-range stuff to complement more slower stuff.

Looking at that 60 minutes at 5k pace with 30-second breaks, I might have a go sometime. Important to get the pacing right, but it basically boils down to 20 reps at mid-range pace, and one of my favourites is the 15 x 1 minute go 1 minute recover (the half hour of power). So it sounds tough but well doable. In both running and rowing I struggle at the top-end stuff these days so this could be interesting.
Apr 2020
4:45pm, 20 Apr 2020
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I've joined a Facebook group called "The Stuck At Home Rowing Club" and they have the Half as a challenge for next week. Hadn't planned to but might be tempted to give it another proper crack at the weekend.

Plan at present is to try to get a 0k and Half PB during lockdown while getting used to these longer pieces, and alongside that try to do some proper strength stuff again.

That 60/30 hour sounds worse than it is. If you manage your 5km pace properly you're staying top-end aerobic through the efforts rather than hitting acid bath territory, and 30 seconds recovery should be enough. Of course, if you hit it a bit harder you're in big trouble! I might give that a go some time soon. It sounds like a fun game.;-)
Apr 2020
6:51pm, 20 Apr 2020
1,061 posts
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Pete Plan day 1.
Wasn’t aiming for -ve splits, but it looks quite nice

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
13:18.4 4,000m 1:39.8 352 1511 30
1:41.9 500m 1:41.9 331 1438 27
1:41.1 500m 1:41.1 339 1465 29
1:40.5 500m 1:40.5 345 1486 30
1:39.8 500m 1:39.8 352 1511 30
1:39.5 500m 1:39.5 355 1522 30
1:39.0 500m 1:38.9 361 1541 33
1:38.6 500m 1:38.6 365 1556 32
1:38.0 500m 1:38.0 372 1579 32
Apr 2020
7:10pm, 20 Apr 2020
140 posts
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That 60 min with 2.5min @5k pace / 30s paddle looks tough to me, my 5k pace is quite close to my 2k pace (+3.5 secs) so I guess it depends where your strengths lie, it will be interesting to see how you guinea pigs... I mean guys get on 😉

All good advice from Nellers, and I agree with Muttley re the Pete Plan, I did my half marathon last June 6-7 weeks into the Pete Plan, the endurance sessions served me well.

Wow that's a really strong session Sinj, very impressive and perfect negs, well done 💪

About This Thread

Maintained by Nellers
How about a little league of 2000m times to see what we're up against:

Oranj (1988 vintage): 6:44.6
Jef(2010 vintage): 6:46.6
Foppotee 6:51.6
Nellers: 7:02.6
Pothunter (2005 vintage): 7:06
Jef: 7:06.4
_andy 7:10.9
Gym_Bunny: 7:16.9
Maclennane: 7:18.9
theOtherRichard: 7:22.5
Mouseytongue: 7:30.2
Rog T 7:33.9
Oranj: 7:37.6
Rich963: 7:39.3
NDWDave: 7:51.4
lammo: 7:56
Tiger Feet: 8:00.1
Fenners reborn 8:07
Muttley: 8:08.5
Cats Whiskers: 8:16.8
Angus Clydesdale: 8:47.2
BanjoBax: 9:13
Sally Kate: 9:18
Lesley C: 9:19
HellsBells: 9:23.1
Sweetie: 9:27
alpenrose: 10:03
GregP: 10:03

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