How was your swim today?

1 lurker | 111 watchers
Sep 2008
2:34pm, 11 Sep 2008
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Just got back from an interrupted swim :-(

Goggle problems :-( people swimming across the pool :-(

but I still managed 100 lenghts :-)
Sep 2008
4:09pm, 11 Sep 2008
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Barky, you're just showing off now :-P

Jude, I did feel a bit wobbly when I got out at first but recovered quickly. Now I do feel like having a nap though :-) I'm seeing much quicker progress in my swimming than running ever!
Sep 2008
4:11pm, 11 Sep 2008
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Tri Mikey
I am a fundraiser for Marie Curie Cancer Care in the Midlands. I am considering organising a fundraising swimming challenge. I would target 10 teams to race against each other in a pool to either swim a set distance, for example the equivalent of the English channel or a set time, say 5 hours for example. Each team would consist of a max of 10 people including 3 females and be expected to raise a minimum of £1000 (thats only £100 each). There would be good prizes for the winners.

Please let me know your thoughts. Would you or your club be interested, how could I make it attractive, should I offer prizes for team raising most money or winning the event, would you be part of a fectch team etc.

Please feel free to fmail if you would like your comments to remain confidential. Please do help.
Sep 2008
4:19pm, 11 Sep 2008
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Barky - are you Phelps?
Please send me your top ten tips for getting faster over a mile. My current 'PB' (If you can call it that) is 43 mins. I didn't swim as a child as I'm allergic to chlorine. I have trained myself to deal with it by wearing a nose clip but my natural swimming ability although full of stamina, is lacking speed, big time. I can swim for 90 mins non-stop but it's not a very long way!
Sep 2008
4:53pm, 11 Sep 2008
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Tri Mikey
May I suggest swimming coaching to improve your technique Jude.
Sep 2008
4:56pm, 11 Sep 2008
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I'll coach you Jude ;-)
Sep 2008
5:02pm, 11 Sep 2008
4,740 posts
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Thanks Barks :)

I've already had coaching TM, I plateaued
Sep 2008
7:00pm, 11 Sep 2008
918 posts
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mine was ok today - did 1000m quickly (well for me!) after work... 33 mins with plenty of rests

was attempting to get a 200m block but had to give in at 150! im just mainly trying to focus on 100m blocks for the time being
Sep 2008
7:23pm, 11 Sep 2008
486 posts
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good swim today for me

happy with speed , it seemed harder than when i'm swimming my best but felt strong so yaaay for me :)
Sep 2008
7:51pm, 11 Sep 2008
3,736 posts
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I had a lovely swim today :-)

I did 60 lengths, a mixture of front crawl and back stroke, and no one else was using the section cordoned off for swimmers doing lengths :-)

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
L'Hotel Club de natation de Bastardos. swim

What started off as a soggy version of 'how was your run today?' is developing a life of its own...

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