How was your swim today?

111 watchers
Sep 2008
1:27pm, 12 Sep 2008
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Tri Mikey
Kitty Marie Curie Cancer Care organise a swimathon in April and people can do that. But i saw this as different, however after feedback from here and othersites it looks as if this is not an event that would be attractive. So back to the drawing board.
Sep 2008
1:41pm, 12 Sep 2008
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Ok Mikey - hope you work out something suitable! :)
Sep 2008
2:05pm, 12 Sep 2008
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My swim today was rubbish - how do I learn how to not swim like a drowning puppy? and how do I make it less boring?
Sep 2008
2:08pm, 12 Sep 2008
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1 - get a good teacher
2- even I got bored of ploddin up & down a pool!
Sep 2008
2:08pm, 12 Sep 2008
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RuthB2, I'm going to my clubs tri wing on Sat am. They have a swim coach and I am reliably informed that they can cure my drowning puppy stroke. Could you do similar?

Local swimming clubs were v. welcoming too. They said I could go a couple times for free and get advice, then join if I wanted to continue with them.

Don't know how to cure boredom tho, sorry! (I'm too busy trying to work out how to breath, kick, not drown etc. to have luxury of boredom!)
Sep 2008
2:15pm, 12 Sep 2008
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Thanks, I may well look into some classes. The pool isn't too expesnive and is near my work so lunchtime swims work quite well...
Sep 2008
6:42pm, 12 Sep 2008
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TM sorry to hear the ideas not popular :( seems sound to me but again i'm no where near local

i was going to suggest a more swimming orientated site for feedback but i'm presuming you've done that

gotta say though respect the effort :)
Sep 2008
6:44pm, 12 Sep 2008
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oh yeah swimming bit dire in the morning though i was coming down with the current office lurg :(

but did a quick 1K in the afternoon and was on fire :) luckily i was in a large volume of water
Sep 2008
6:55pm, 12 Sep 2008
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Tri Mikey
Thanks for the comments Stu. The whole purpose of this exercise was to gauge interest before I persue securing a venue, getting posters done, recruiting volunteers etc. But I have had negative responses to the idea so need to rethink.
Sep 2008
12:44pm, 13 Sep 2008
498 posts
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650m (26 x 25m) Breaststroke aerobic swim in about 18 minutes. Did some work on my front crawl before the work session. Friend came with me and said my arm exit out of the water was messy (lots of splash) so worked on the getting it cleaner and was better by the end. I also need to remember to rotate to lift the shoulder of the exiting arm.

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
L'Hotel Club de natation de Bastardos. swim

What started off as a soggy version of 'how was your run today?' is developing a life of its own...

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