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How was your run today?

1 lurker | 219 watchers
Feb 2016
12:09pm, 20 Feb 2016
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Another tough half through heavy snow which had fallen overnight. No sidewalks cleared; few roads cleared but always at least one set of car tracks that I could hobble through.
Feb 2016
6:06pm, 20 Feb 2016
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Interesting, started with no dogs, met my son on the hill who was walking both dogs, the young dog came with me and we did a little run round up, down, round and over Moel y Golfa, the rain was constant, and over the top I had to crotch low to prevent the wind blowing me over. fields were wet and slippery, but I managed to stay on my feet. :-D
Feb 2016
6:06pm, 20 Feb 2016
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Feb 2016
8:32pm, 20 Feb 2016
722 posts
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Eynsham Red
Thought I was running really well and freely until I turned the corner and with the sun slightly behind me creating a stooped, staggering silhouette, I was brought back to earth. Still managed a park run SB though :)
Feb 2016
8:03am, 21 Feb 2016
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Surrey Phil
Not a bad 11.6 miles with a bit of a headwind at times. A slightly quicker pace than last week, so felt a bit tired towards the end.

One contact lens fell out after 9 miles, shortly after I nearly bumped into another runner as we approached a 90 degree turn from different directions.
Feb 2016
12:49pm, 21 Feb 2016
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Icelandic Trigirl
9.2k in a blizzard. Completely nuts. It was meant to be 60 min incl 30 min fast but was mostly just about survival til I got to the bakery on the home-straight. Shackleton has nothing on me.
Feb 2016
7:13pm, 21 Feb 2016
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Eynsham Red
5.3 miles against some very strong wind for most of the outward leg. Not a bad run considering. However, I was very disappointed to find that part of the route had had a controlled gate installed across the path with no pedestrian access. My normal route is frying pan shaped, starting and finishing at the handle end. Where I normally begin the loop is where the gate is. I carried on around the other side of the loop and it looks like it's going to be gated further along soon, so I was only able to do an out and back run.
The land owners are within their right to restrict access, and shut off the road every Christmas Day to retain the right of privacy, but it's going to be a very sad loss of a route which runners, walkers and dog walkers have used for years. I've been using that route for nearly thirty years. Very sad :(
Feb 2016
8:10pm, 21 Feb 2016
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My first 10 mile race and longest run in 6 years. Rhyl 10 miler. Nice tailwind for the first 4 miles but a nasty 40-50kph+ headwind for the last 4.5 miles on the coast with some gusts making it feel like I was doing hill reps! Still, was expecting about 1hr40m and managed to get back in just under 1hr34m which was a brucie!

Just got 3 weeks to prep for a half now! :(
Feb 2016
9:00pm, 21 Feb 2016
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Icelandic Trigirl
Not sure they have a right to block it off, Eynsham. There may be a public right of way if it has been used for decades without anyone complaining and without explicit permission. I cannot remember the rules and they are different between England and Scotland and now what with the right to roam act, I've no idea. But don't give up! As long as you aren't disturbing their farms with loose dogs or leaving litter or causing a nuisance, you may well have a right of way. Worth looking into, I'd say.

Great job, gooner!
Feb 2016
9:11pm, 21 Feb 2016
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Eynsham Red
Thanks Trigirl. It is signed as not being a public right of way and it is closed to the Public on Christmas Day to preserve this status as private. Last year there were some travellers who set up for several months on land nearby and I suspect that this may be a response to that "visit". The owners have put up some fencing enclosing the fields which were unfenced along the track as well, so they appear quite determined that they want to discourage visitors.

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