Aug 2012
9:28pm, 30 Aug 2012
2,657 posts
Red Squirrel
How was the pain Nemo. I saw mine, she did a bit of manipulation and I was huffing and puffing.
Aug 2012
9:35pm, 30 Aug 2012
736 posts
lady alton
yes but only one set rather than the three that's the plan!
Aug 2012
10:12pm, 30 Aug 2012
3,612 posts
Another round of exercises done aer my run this evening. Physio tomorrow.
Aug 2012
11:38pm, 30 Aug 2012
6,888 posts
Saw the physio yesterday - as I suspected, these exercises are really for the long haul if I want to build up the weaker bits which are causing me problems.
Exercises done twice today - did an easy run, with some slightly evil hill reps in the middle, which made my piriformis and hamstring grumble
Aug 2012
7:35am, 31 Aug 2012
1,273 posts
I am struggling to get started with mine (and like you schnecke mine are for the long haul). I've been bad and not done them at all this week I think the problem comes from not yet having them clearly enough defined (it's a bit vague) and not planning them in. My physio is trying to work in partnership with a personal trainer at the sports injury clinic so he can build a very specific strength plan with me. Unfortunately he only works 2-8pm on a Thursday with the 6 and 7pm slots being group classes. That means I can only do the 5-6 slot and some guy has booked that out for the next 3 weeks so I'm on hold at the moment. Will speak to my physio again once she's back from her hols.
Aug 2012
8:24am, 31 Aug 2012
2,504 posts
I've been scrupulous about doing my exercises... This time! Years ago, I went for a repeat visit to sort out a repeat injury and the first question was, "So when did you stop doing the exercises?"
Seems daft to pay for physio and not do the work necessary to make it effective.
Aug 2012
8:38am, 31 Aug 2012
1,547 posts
Little Nemo - slow-but-steady
Physio was a lot less painful this week. She didn't attack my hip at all and only did a bit of patella tendon prodding. She filmed me running on a treadmill and that shows that as I change legs my hip drops and my knee goes in a bit on that side. Apparently there is too much movement in the pelvis area so my knees are taking too much pressure. Oddly it's worse on the side where my knee doesn't hurt. Anyway the bottom line is I have a lazy @rse and a weak core
I now have several weird variations on one-legged squats to do that will test my powers of balance. Didn't do any of them when I got home as I figured I'd done most of them already in my session. Also she had taped up my knee so I wasn't able to bend it a lot. My next appointment is in 10 days and I don't think I'll be running before then. I'll try a bit of cycling and I must do more swimming to make up for it.
Aug 2012
4:33pm, 31 Aug 2012
3,621 posts
Glad the physio wasn't too painful this time LN My appointment was ok. She said I have a very high pain threshold compared to some of her other patients! Anyway no more appointments for a month as I am in France for September, so I must just keep on stretching and doing the exercises ..
Aug 2012
4:41pm, 31 Aug 2012
253 posts
Glad to hear the physio was less painful LN. I saw mine today and he has said i can start to introduce short runs But have to do lots of stretches and loads of ball work to build my core to help protect the spine. I cant wait to get out running again.
Aug 2012
5:52pm, 31 Aug 2012
9,171 posts
About to do set 4/5 for today. Have my physio appt for next friday, so hoping to progress to stage 2 of the rehab process and maybe get something else to do and I'm going to ask about light gym work to build the muscles again .