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Sports physio, sports massage, biomechanics coach

2 watchers
Aug 2013
11:55am, 7 Aug 2013
333 posts
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Like most runners, I have my aches and pains. These range from a knee that won't bend as far as the other one without hurting (had that medically investigated and cleared - just needs more strengthening and flexibility work), a foot that feels strangely stiff, as if something needs to "click" and then it would be OK, very tight hamstrings and groin and a niggling ache in one shoulder. About par for the course, I should imagine :)

Anyhow, I have been wondering about building a relationship with a professional, who I would expect to see several times to start with to get any imbalances/weaknesses ironed out, and then periodically afterwards to keep everything ticking over nicely. The question is - what sort of professional?

I saw a sports physio a year ago when I first had the knee investigated, and he talked about eventually doing a gait analysis, addressing any imbalances etc. But he also thought I had a torn meniscus and sent me back to the GP - and it turns out, I don't have a torn meniscus at all. So, I wonder if he's as good as the friend who recommended him thought he was, plus he talked about orthotics, which I'm not keen on. A runner at my Parkrun mentioned she knew a good sports physio, so I could follow that up.

I did a google search for sports massage and found several people locally, and also someone who described herself as a biomechanics coach (as well as doing sports massage). She talked about doing an initial assessment to find out how my joints, nerves and muscles were working, including giving me a massage, but also prescribing exercises to help enhance the work she did. That sounded more like the sort of thing I think I probably need, but she (conveniently?) didn't answer the question about her charges, which made me think she woukd be expensive! I haven't followed it up.

What experience do folk have of going to these sorts of professionals? Is one better than the other, or are they complementary? Do I need a physio AND a masseur? And how do I find a good one?
Aug 2013
1:18pm, 7 Aug 2013
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I used Ros at RS PHYSIO in West Bridgford to get me through my first marathon when I got injured 2 weeks before the start date. I would recommend her, she is not a million miles away from you and she has a good web site with prices on it! Best money I've spent on running.
Aug 2013
1:23pm, 7 Aug 2013
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Right, thanks. How many times did you go, and do you go for regular tune-ups, or only when you've got a problem?
Aug 2013
1:58pm, 7 Aug 2013
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Only went twice as it was only 2 weeks before the marathon. Would love to go for regular tune-ups but unfortunately can't afford to, I'm sure my running would improve if I did. Last year I had a few muscle problems so had a sports massage from someone else,
only went because I'd got some cheap offer vouchers. It was ok'ish but didn't seem to sort the problem so I would stick to a physio who does sports massage instead.
Aug 2013
7:51pm, 8 Aug 2013
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Before I go off and actually do something about this, I just thougt I'd give the thread in case anyone else wants to chip in?

Can't decide between the one thuginasuit recommends (personal recommendation, price seems reasonable to me, but 45 mins away) and the more local one (don't know anyone who's used her, price unknown, but 10 mins away). They are both biomechanical coaches, and that 'I will figure out how your body is working and help you fix it' thing does appeal to me, I must say.
Aug 2013
7:57pm, 8 Aug 2013
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Just a thought, it's not always straightforward to diagnose a meniscus tear without eyes that have built in scanners, the fact that he sent you to have it confirmed/denied is actually not a bad thing. He didn't try and treat something he couldn't.

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Maintained by RevBarbaraG
Like most runners, I have my aches and pains. These range from a knee that won't bend as far as th...
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