Jul 2013
11:12pm, 5 Jul 2013
16,539 posts
If it makes him feel good, then fine, but if it worked, you could get it on the NHS rather than from some Kaftan wearing spoon in a holistic wellness centre who charges an earth for slapping a tepid jam jar on your arse and playing you whale song.
Jul 2013
5:03pm, 15 Jul 2013
101 posts
Sorry, hadn't realised other people were posting on this now. Quick update.
I had 2 sessions of 50% cold laser therapy and 50% massage. This was in addition to the obvious strapping, icing, restiing and stretching. It was only a minor injury, but when it stops me from running I like to throw everything at it.
Picked up the injury on 24 June, pulled out of the DK10 in agony on 1 May and and I've recorded it as completely fixed by 16 May. Had therapy on 2nd and 7th May. I've no real evidence to suggest that the laser or the therapy did or did not help to speed things up. However, gut feeling is that the massage helped, but I'm skeptical about the laser bit. The feel from the net is that there's not enough reliable research or evidence to say one way or the other.
Jul 2013
5:30pm, 15 Jul 2013
6,981 posts
I was bored one night and decided to dredge up some old threads that no one had replied to
Glad you're better!