Sports physios - York

2 watchers
Jul 2023
3:13pm, 11 Jul 2023
13 posts
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Niche request but I'm hoping there are some Yorkies out there who can help?

After two and a half weeks I've faced up to the fact that whatever I've done to my hip isn't going to get better by itself so feel like the next step is to seek the ministrations of a physio. A quick Google reveals a number of seemingly qualified individuals in the York area but I was wondering if anyone could help with a personal recommendation?

Failing that, any general advice on what to look for when choosing a physio would also be gratefully received. I have literally no idea how to sort the wheat from the chaff!
Jul 2023
8:30am, 12 Jul 2023
47,233 posts
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I think 3M is York-ish? Tagging him... 3M

Could also try using the People tab and seeing who is near you and messaging them directly? Best of luck. :-) G
Jul 2023
9:13pm, 18 Jul 2023
4,473 posts
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I'm not in York but you can use Bupa's consultant finder to find a selection of physios in your area. Once you have a name, you can typically find their website / residency

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Maintained by RicheyJames
Niche request but I'm hoping there are some Yorkies out there who can help?

After two and a half weeks I've faced up to the fact that whatever I've done to my hip isn't going to get better by itself so feel like the next step is to seek the ministrations of a physio. A quick Google reveals a number of seemingly qualified individuals in the York area but I was wondering if anyone could help with a personal recommendation?

Failing that, any general advice on what to look ...

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