
220 watchers
Jan 2008
11:48am, 28 Jan 2008
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Badger, I'm prety sure it didn't used to do it, and the 301 definitely didn't.

I now use it, but set the distance to be longer but with the same pace. It means I can still use the 'little man' screen as sometimes I don;t like to look at the actual numbers during a race. And like you, i tend to set my pace a second or two a mile faster to allow for deviations from the racing line.
Jan 2008
11:50am, 28 Jan 2008
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Paul S
Sorry, that should say MORE than this pace.
Jan 2008
12:03pm, 28 Jan 2008
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Nothing can stop Garminitis!
Jan 2008
12:35pm, 28 Jan 2008
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flanker: I meant to say "a feature of the 305 *now*", sorry. It's behaving as it's designed to, even if it's bad design and you should at least have the option to make it behave the way it did before. Completely agree with you that it's not a nice feature, but it is the way it works :(
Jan 2008
12:39pm, 28 Jan 2008
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yeah, it seems to have been introduced with one of the firmware 'up'grades
Jan 2008
10:38pm, 30 Jan 2008
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Rick OShay
Has anyone seen the training program download on Runners World? I'm in for FLM 08 and have been putting off programming in a very detailed running program to the software/ Garmin.

With the RW/Garmin download, you just plumb in your race date, your target time or pace and it creates both a trg prog in the Garmin software, which you can then download onto the Garmin.

Top stuff. The site is on:

Sorry if it's old news, but I've just downloaded a pretty good trg plan (that I can then alter on the Garmin software, if required) that will take me upto April 13th.
Jan 2008
10:39pm, 30 Jan 2008
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Rick OShay

The link didn't come out quite right. Try
Jan 2008
3:46pm, 31 Jan 2008
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BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
I did a 1 hour 16 minute tun the other day. The software said i did it in 18 minutes yet still had the distance as 7.72 miles. "WFT?", I thought, scracing my head like a puzzled Columbo.
Feb 2008
10:18am, 2 Feb 2008
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I like the ahead/behind feature of the virtual partner, but the little pictures of the runners seem to be a waste of space.

Does anyone know if there is a way of setting up the display so that you can see the ahead/behind, plus other fields such as distance, pace or time on the same screen?
Feb 2008
2:34pm, 2 Feb 2008
2,011 posts
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anyne know why my sports tracker keeps on giving me memory errors when I connect to the 305 and why the garmin tc downloads the data but says it had problems?
do I need to delete the data off the garmin? it's only got about 30 runs on it

bree good question

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