May 2020
6:35am, 1 May 2020
5,841 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
Position 94 this morning!
May 2020
8:56am, 1 May 2020
5,425 posts
I'm 47 this morning
May 2020
9:00am, 1 May 2020
7,549 posts
93 for me. It's quite satisfying as you get the bug bonus every day seeing you total go up! As soon as I go 30 days bug-free it will be interesting to see if I can continue the rise or get to a plateau. I guess it depends on how the flowers are growing!
May 2020
9:29am, 1 May 2020
3,715 posts
Fizz :-)
“Only” position 183 here, but gradually climbing. Should get 10 day bug free badge tomorrow, not sure if I can maintain the running streak for 30 days though.
May 2020
9:54am, 1 May 2020
216 posts
I sneaked in at 99 this morning. Bug bonuses to come and about a week and a half of red to get rid of. Looking to climb this week.
May 2020
10:17am, 1 May 2020
14,446 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
No realistic chance of me staying bug free for more than a couple of days as work days really don't leave any spare time for running.
May 2020
12:50pm, 1 May 2020
23,936 posts
Here's a thing.
I had it in mind that I might introduce some new markers to give you all something new to think about. But I wondered what sort of things you might like to see.
To give you an idea of the sort of thing I had in mind, I was watching The Boy play some Minecraft the other day. When you make a tool in Minecraft, it has a finite lifespan. Let's say you collect a 'shears' marker. When you got home, you could use this to cut back some weed* markers that spawn around your flowers - to help protect them and make sure they increase in value. Each shears would be good to kill, say, 10 weeds - so you'd have to be prudent with their usage.
That kind of thing. Or buckets of water that you can collect to get rid of fire markers. Or bits of food that you can use to feed animal markers. Or... what?
I forked out for Zoom Pro (£15 for the month) so we could do the podcast the other day. And I thought it might be interesting to have a Fetchpoint Zoom meeting, for those of you that are interested in the future direction of the game. Especially those of you who might have some ideas
To give any potential meeting a bit of structure, I thought that maybe everyone who is interested in attending has a think about either a new feature they'd like to see in the game; or perhaps an idea for a new type of marker. You could maybe share your tactics and frustrations with the others in the group too.
Those of you who'd be interested in watching something like this, but not necessarily contributing - I could upload it to YouTube once we're done.
Would anyone be up for that?
*Not that sort
May 2020
1:05pm, 1 May 2020
23,941 posts
May 2020
1:15pm, 1 May 2020
34,084 posts
im up for it. Fetchpoint is quite a different experience depending on density of players around you so adding something else in might help to level things up a bit?
May 2020
2:41pm, 1 May 2020
1,121 posts
Sounds intriguing. I was hoping for a Hugh Jackman at some point. 😉
I’d always thought maybe some sort of teleport would be interesting. Temporarily duplicating the rest of your activity in a random place.