May 2019
5:48am, 2 May 2019
17,035 posts
Might start that today.
May 2019
7:04am, 2 May 2019
46,129 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
I started going through clothes again this week, time for another sort out.
May 2019
7:42am, 2 May 2019
20,259 posts
Lizzie W
[I can adopt boy clothes for cash, T is outgrowing all the things I'd bought with "plenty of growing room" :-(]
May 2019
9:19pm, 2 May 2019
36,883 posts
Although I physically haven't disposed of today's 2 things I know what's going, but they're in the kids' bedroom, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
May 2019
10:17pm, 2 May 2019
17,884 posts
A bit late joining, as I've just got back from a couple of days away, but I'll do my best.
May 2019
8:51am, 3 May 2019
46,146 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
I’ll see if I have anything suitable Lizzie, though would XS men’s be much too big? That’s the sort of size I’m decluttering because Ds2 has different taste in clothes to ds1
May 2019
12:30pm, 3 May 2019
20,275 posts
Lizzie W
Thanks, only if it's not a bother though! He's heading towards that size rather fast...
May 2019
10:28am, 4 May 2019
9,359 posts
Little Nemo
I have 2 bag for life size bags of clothing ready to go. One for stuff that's good enough to be resold going to Oxfam and one more downmarket one that I'll put in the clothing recycle bin at Sainsbury's.
A good morning's work
May 2019
11:11am, 4 May 2019
36,884 posts
1st May -
1. Pile of photos 2nd May -
1. Pens that are running out. 2. Crayons that are broken 3rd May -
1. Clock toy that the hands don't stay put 2. Some weird thing made my a child that looked like a voodoo doll 3. Paw patrol toy that's been hidden in a cupboard for months.
May 2019
8:37pm, 4 May 2019
17,889 posts
Got rid of a lot of old paperwork yesterday, which I am going to count as sufficient for days 1, 2 and 3.
But haven't done any today so I am still "behind".