May 2020
5:10pm, 27 May 2020
7,476 posts
Agree with that LMH, there's been so much said about it that I wonder if people are expecting some sort of magic bullet. On the other hand if it reduces infections by 10% that may still be the difference between numbers going up and going down.
May 2020
5:16pm, 27 May 2020
17,716 posts
So what happens if someone names you as having been in contact for 15 mins, but you deny it? At my 15 min meeting with Dominic Cummings tomorrow i shall ask.
May 2020
5:16pm, 27 May 2020
16,235 posts
There was a lot more traffic on my bit of the A1 than this time last week.
People are taking garden chairs out onto the green and sitting big circles - maybe a metre or more apart but there are 6 or 8 people in each circle, one group looks like a mums and toddlers get together. Have a missed a new relaxation of the rules somewhere?
May 2020
5:21pm, 27 May 2020
17,717 posts
It's people using their initiative Rosehip.
May 2020
5:31pm, 27 May 2020
2,577 posts
Little Miss Happy
Chrisity - as far as I am aware there is no compunction to name your contacts nor any for the contacts to actually self isolate, they will just be 'advised' and 'encouraged' to do so.
May 2020
5:48pm, 27 May 2020
7,477 posts
I would hope that any thoughtful person would already warn their close recent contacts if they came down with it.
May 2020
5:53pm, 27 May 2020
2,578 posts
Little Miss Happy
You'd like to think so jda.
May 2020
5:55pm, 27 May 2020
955 posts
Exactly, jda! LG, last weekend we popped to see my parents. Forewarned them to open the side gate and space chairs in the garden. When we arrived, our chairs were in one area (they have a big garden!) with a drinks table, and they were sitting on the patio with their own table. Once we left (no door handle touching required) they immediately washed our cups and their hands. Chance of cross infection? Pretty much zero. But they physically saw our daughter who was running around in yet another area of the garden, for half an hour 😊
May 2020
6:10pm, 27 May 2020
8,664 posts
Pretty sure other nations have managed a good deal better than 5-15% reduction in spread with test/trace/isolate. I guess there would need to be a significant testing effort against the more mobile and at risk groups to catch the large numbers of asymptomatic cases whereas it looks like the UK strategy will only test symptomatic people. Seems a bit like we're edging back towards a de facto strategy of herd immunity with a manageable infection rate?
May 2020
6:20pm, 27 May 2020
521 posts
I bet that half an hour made everyone’s day Turtle, nice to see some positivity on this thread 😁