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500ish miles gang

33 watchers
Apr 2019
1:04pm, 22 Apr 2019
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The Scribbler
I was a bit disappointed with my time at NT10k, but I enjoyed the race. I'm disappointed because I was about 2 ins slower than I was last year, when I hadn't really trained for it and had done no where near the kind of mileage I'm doing at the moment.
I ran really strong up until 4 miles and then gave myself permission to ease off the effort as it was very hot (around 21 degrees I think). So on the one hand I'm pleased I eased off to enjoy the last couple of miles, but on the other I feel like I could have pushed on a bit more.

Still it's not my target race and the miles all help towards my half
Apr 2019
7:51am, 24 Apr 2019
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Scribbler, well done on running a sensible race in the heat.

I guess that's what keeps us all coming back for more, that feeling that we can do better, go further or faster next time, always striving to beat our own little targets šŸ˜€šŸƒšŸ»

gg, no I didn't do Bromley 10k. Next planned race is Colchester 10k on May 12th. This is nice and flat and one of my favourite races. Fingers crossed that I can stay injury and illness free.
Apr 2019
8:35am, 24 Apr 2019
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Surrey Phil
Pencilled myself in for the Sutton 10k in May. I feel I need a bit of speedwork and I am concerned that my runbritain handicap is getting too high having only done two slowish marathons in the past year.
Apr 2019
9:09am, 24 Apr 2019
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Scribbler you did it and maybe the extra training has left you not as fresh for the run? But weā€™ll done on listening to your body.

I know Iā€™ve been struggling with tiredness in my legs so after Saturn I have had a week off did 7 on Sunday which was at an easy pace and pleased to come in slightly quicker than I thought I would. Still exhausted and feel run down with only 3 weeks to Windermere I donā€™t know what I can do but keep going and try to fix me later. Maybe some decent multi vitamins and iron will help. Weā€™ve had almost a week at the boat and felt very chilled but still exhausted! Might take myself off to the fells for a bimble later (home but still off work) and Iā€™ll do my last long run with the Striderā€™s in Sunday which will be better than going solo.

My left knee is being bothersome. I had a physio do great work with it pre Kielder but sheā€™s so far away and I donā€™t know whether to go back to her or my normal physio whoā€™s closer and get them to look at it again... dilemmas of a runner
Apr 2019
10:31pm, 24 Apr 2019
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GG, if you feel exhausted and run down, just a little more than 3 weeks before your Marathon, then don't try to put in extra training - you need to get plenty of sleep, take extra days off, and generally build up your strength and energy supplies. You've done all the training you can now. Your exhaustion could be partly over-training, as well as other factors. You want to be able to enjoy the Marathon.
Apr 2019
7:26pm, 27 Apr 2019
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Thanks Ev I always feel like a fraud so many others do many more miles and races than me but I really am feeling run down all my nails have broken the slightest growth they flake off again which is a sure sign Iā€™m not at my best.

Not sleeping well but when I do I donā€™t want to get up.

Itā€™s long run with the gang tomorrow for one reason and another itā€™s only the 2nd one ive done with them so Iā€™m going but Iā€™m going to cut it off when I feel Iā€™ve had enough be that 2 miles or the full 20. Got loads to do at home too as Iā€™ve had my house work day sabotaged by a girlie shopping trip today and have my cousin and family coming for tea tonight.
Apr 2019
8:25am, 29 Apr 2019
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Well I am hopeless my planned 14 ended off being the full 20, I half thought I might do it if I felt strong enough and at the 12m point where we were back at the cars I did feel good, went out to do the extra 2 then thought Iā€™d just do the full distance.

My reasoning is the long runs Iā€™ve done have only been in races/events Iā€™ve not done a long long run just as training and if you do the long distance mental strength is what needs building and testing. I tested it yesterday as one half of my head was saying you only have to do 14 cut it short and head back and there was ample opportunities to do so.

So glad I stuck it out I so feel like Iā€™ve done a good long run now.

So now Iā€™ve done that my plan is no more than 1/2-3/4hr runs gentle pace and nothing strenuous.

Hope you all had a good weekend too. Anyone got London fever? I was about to enter the ballot then remembered this time next year weā€™re planning on being in Australia!
Apr 2019
8:26am, 29 Apr 2019
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How was Blenheim ER?
Apr 2019
9:48am, 29 Apr 2019
10 posts
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Hmmm.... niggling achilles problem means I am really only running once a week (and that's a parkrun) so I am falling further behind the line.
The good news is that it is unaffected by cycling so I'm riding more and keeping reasonably fit.

Plenty of time in the rest of the year to catch up still...
Apr 2019
10:34am, 29 Apr 2019
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Eynsham Red
I didnā€™t do Blenheim in the end GG. My wife had to have an eye procedure at the hospital and it would have been cutting it too fine for me to run there and then drive her to hospital. As the appointment had been rescheduled, we didnā€™t want to postpone for my run.
Parkrun on Saturday though was a blinder! I took 55 seconds off my PB by hanging on to the shirt tails of a pacer.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
*EDIT* in the current situation we are not entering races but I think we can still log any plans we may have over the coming months, whether it is learning a new skill, ticking jobs off a list, moving house(!), doing alternative exercise, aiming for training hours instead of miles, writing to family & friends, finding inventive ways to be together virtually or even entering virus races please fill in the planner and Iā€™ll update this thread and keep our little social group going to share our goals.

Everyone is welcome, whether you don't want to set an official target or you may be aiming further but still want to pop by for a chat/offer some words of wisdom or just because the door is always open and kettle is on.

Target miles Link fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=500

to set your mileage: fetcheveryone.com/training-targets.php

Goal Planner docs.google.com

(When you go in give yourself a colour so I know you're wanting to be on the sheet so I can keep it tidy)

If you update the race planner after I've updated the header drop me an fmail or a reminder (or 2) on the thread so I know to update. Thanks

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