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500ish miles gang

33 watchers
Apr 2019
10:30am, 7 Apr 2019
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Good to see you back Ev and slow and steady will hopefully do you well. But keep your eyes on the telegraph poles the little blighters.

None of us can take a good streak for granted as most of us know only too well. I’m trying to be a lot more mindful of the rest and recovery these days and the strength and conditioning work I do is helping loads.
Apr 2019
10:35am, 7 Apr 2019
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Struggled for the first half this morning due to running out of tablets for my nose which meant I had a constant runny nose (more than usual, think of biblical flood) which was a pain but it settled down for the second half of the run.
Apr 2019
12:16pm, 7 Apr 2019
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Hello all after a rough month with a really bad chest infection I’m back, having set a pb at Wakefield 10k a couple of weeks back I ran a very tough Overgate 10k today hilly as chuff but it’s done! I believe I can now say I’m back lol
Apr 2019
8:43pm, 8 Apr 2019
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Eynsham Red
I might regret this but I’ve signed up for a series of races, The Oxford Self - Trancendence Summer Races. There is a two mile, two three mile and a four mile race. I suspect that they will be a bit of a sprint which doesn’t really suit me, but I thought that it would be a bit of a challenge!
They are at 7pm on Monday evenings in May and June, just what I’ll need after a full day at work 🙂
Apr 2019
7:28am, 9 Apr 2019
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Happy to have you back Nutso and a runny nose is annoying at best of time Dave yours sounds very bothersome. Hope it’s soon sorted.

Red If you give me the dates I’ll pop them on the header.

I have been feeling really tired then looked back at my last few weeks and maybe there hasn’t been enough recovery in my plan while I’ve not ran as often my likes have still be quite high (for me I know others run many more) was supposed to run last night but I just couldn’t face it. I am going to skip club (again) on Wednesday and I’ll run with Geordiemum instead. Got the lapped run on Sunday aiming for 5 or 6 laps (17-20m) but I’ll be happy with 4 (half) I am worried at tuning up to Windermere worm out.

Work isn’t stressful but I’ve lost the plot so much to do so many different things going on I’m struggling which is another sign of me being over tired but so much going on at home too. Life is just a bit bonkers at the moment. Running keeps me sane though.

How was Manchester Hally?

Anyway have a good week all and good luck with Brighton Phil & Bromley SVr
Apr 2019
7:48am, 9 Apr 2019
2,950 posts
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Surrey Phil
Thanks gg. I did a [bit too] quick 7 miler on Saturday but I think I'm about ready for Brighton. I'm aiming for a sub 4:50 although I won't beat myself up so long as I am inside 5 hours.

Enjoy your weekend races/runs everyone. I'll let you know how I got on when I get back.
Apr 2019
8:50pm, 12 Apr 2019
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Gg thank you 😊👍🏻 I’m hoping to be top top for York 10 mile on Sunday. Sounds like some rest is just the ticket for you enjoy Sunday

Phil I hope it goes well
Apr 2019
1:39pm, 14 Apr 2019
179 posts
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Only 2 runs and 10 miles in the previous 5 weeks but slowly getting back into it with 3 runs and 13 miles so far this week and another one planed later today.
As predicted work is hard and stressful at the moment so really tired most of the time and along with the continuing cold weather it's really hard to find the motivation to get out the door. I'm not beating myself up about it too much, trying not to worry about mileage too much and just enjoy the running. Did Clacton Seafront parkrun yesterday and despite being very cold and blustery had a great run with my step son and step daughter, and managed some nice consistent pacing.
As far as races are concerned, didn't run Colchester Half in the end, didn't even open the letter with my number in 😟 and didn't do Bromley 10k either.
My latest planned runs are;
May 12th Colchester 10k,

June 9th Abberton Resevoir 10 mile,

July 14th Brightlingsea 10k and

August 18th Clacton half.

Well done to everyone who's managing to get some miles in and hang on in there everyone injured or ill, have been dropping in regularly to keep up with all your posts.
Apr 2019
3:09pm, 14 Apr 2019
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A challenging run today thanks to a headwind for a good part of the course... and the bit that had inclines and ‘the hill’ in it. It was icy. I managed 5 laps rounded up to 17m. I was tempted to take in the last lap but my friend has finished was in pain and cold so I called it a day it was the sensible choice for me I’m just not often sensible.

Lovely to see Scribbler there and to run a bit with you.. just too speedy to keep up.

A great event if you ever spot Saturn runners in a suitable area (you’ll find them on FB) medals are epic.
Apr 2019
3:10pm, 14 Apr 2019
8,775 posts
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The route

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
*EDIT* in the current situation we are not entering races but I think we can still log any plans we may have over the coming months, whether it is learning a new skill, ticking jobs off a list, moving house(!), doing alternative exercise, aiming for training hours instead of miles, writing to family & friends, finding inventive ways to be together virtually or even entering virus races please fill in the planner and I’ll update this thread and keep our little social group going to share our goals.

Everyone is welcome, whether you don't want to set an official target or you may be aiming further but still want to pop by for a chat/offer some words of wisdom or just because the door is always open and kettle is on.

Target miles Link fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=500

to set your mileage: fetcheveryone.com/training-targets.php

Goal Planner docs.google.com

(When you go in give yourself a colour so I know you're wanting to be on the sheet so I can keep it tidy)

If you update the race planner after I've updated the header drop me an fmail or a reminder (or 2) on the thread so I know to update. Thanks

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