500ish miles gang

2 lurkers | 33 watchers
May 2020
8:57pm, 30 May 2020
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Yes I agree Surrey Phil, and very little risk outdoors anyway. I have asthma but not bad enough to be shielding and I'm finding exercise is the only thing that still seems 'normal'!

Finding it a lot harder running in this heat though.
May 2020
11:01pm, 30 May 2020
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I prefer to err on the side of caution with regard to other pedestrians, etc. If someone happens to cough or sneeze just as I pass them, I would be spending the next 2 weeks wondering if I'd caught the infection. My wife and I are both in our 70s, and I don't want to infect her. Whenever I meet or pass anyone, I go out into the road, maybe going round parked vehicles. If traffic is coming I just wait for a few seconds. In the case of people with serious health issues like Red, you can't take risks, and going out at quiet times is best. We live in a rural area and I can go out safely at any time of day.
May 2020
2:30pm, 31 May 2020
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I agree the risk is low but I keep it lower by expecting caution. It’s rare that I have had any issues just one runner passing me and spitting as he did so 😳

So today I did 5 hot and hilly miles and loved it. One of those runs that just feels nice it was slow but it was soulful too. Brings my total to 90 for the month it’s been a long tine since I had anything like that!

My Garmin connect app reconnected the Garmin last night so lost all my records it seems so I’m mildly frustrated. Thank goodness for Fetch!
May 2020
7:01pm, 31 May 2020
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Surrey Phil
Well done, gg. A hot run makes up for those freezing cold winter morning runs. Yet as runners, we don't exactly like either of them until we get out there and run.

Disappointed have to skip this weekend's run. My daughter has been difficult in getting to sleep and have woken up with a rough head a few times. Also, my hamstring is a bit sore too. Not quite sure how that happened but a week off to rest it should do the trick.
Jun 2020
4:53pm, 1 Jun 2020
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Well done GG. I’m not surprised with the mileage and paces you’ve been showing in your training.

Hope the hamstring feels better soon Phil.

I’m gradually building a bit of consistency. Fingers crossed it’ll all pay off!
The virus situation has forced me to walk and cycle more (e.g. to work) and this has given some good benefits now that I’ve been doing that for 2 months.
Jun 2020
12:37am, 6 Jun 2020
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Fully planned a 12 miler today but the weather was pants. I did a few jobs then thought I’d go out but it just got worse.

So I did 2 back to back caddies/strength sessions. It was brilliant t I was melting by the end.

Trying not to be disappointed in myself for letting the run slide. I was 15m in over 3 days a few months ago I’d have been happy with that as a weekly total!

I have a virtual relay race on Sunday for Strider’s the get to my chosen route and home again it will be at least 5m (again)

Hope you are all ok.
Jun 2020
10:10am, 6 Jun 2020
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Cardio not caddies this phone!!!
Jun 2020
11:10am, 6 Jun 2020
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Eynsham Red
There’s no need to be disappointed GG especially with your current form. No need to slog it out in rubbish weather if it’s not essential.

Am I right in thinking that you like round numbers when it comes to training GG, or I might be thinking of someone else. Anyway, I’d decided to do an hour on the turbo trainer this morning, but listening to some good podcasts I thought that I’d do a bit extra. I decided that to aim for 600 calories, then 25 miles, then 700 calories, then 75 minutes, but finally decided on thirty miles.

I’m now regretting not doing a bit more and reaching 800 calories, but I could still be there with this mind set!
Jun 2020
12:40pm, 6 Jun 2020
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Yes it’s me I get twitchy with odd numbers, I have got worse trying to relax I can cope with standard mileage for 5k, 10k half and full distances. The rest have to be full or half miles. It stresses me that I don’t round up miles for the month to end in a 5 or a 0 but I have accepted it’s not always possible. 😂

Great work on the turbo! You’re right you could have kept going on that and be there after a week.

Building a new desk today I have decided it was time to set up a formal office space at home. I’m not very good I have been instructed to check it’s all here but I have no idea 😂
Jun 2020
3:11pm, 6 Jun 2020
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GG, I'm just the same about rounding off numbers. I prefer to end the run/week on whole numbers, but I do sometimes settle for halves instead. Today's run - when it stops raining - will be 6.50 ml. and the week will be exactly 25 miles! If I'm using kms. then I know the conversion figure anyway.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
*EDIT* in the current situation we are not entering races but I think we can still log any plans we may have over the coming months, whether it is learning a new skill, ticking jobs off a list, moving house(!), doing alternative exercise, aiming for training hours instead of miles, writing to family & friends, finding inventive ways to be together virtually or even entering virus races please fill in the planner and I’ll update this thread and keep our little social group going to share our goals.

Everyone is welcome, whether you don't want to set an official target or you may be aiming further but still want to pop by for a chat/offer some words of wisdom or just because the door is always open and kettle is on.

Target miles Link fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=500

to set your mileage: fetcheveryone.com/training-targets.php

Goal Planner docs.google.com

(When you go in give yourself a colour so I know you're wanting to be on the sheet so I can keep it tidy)

If you update the race planner after I've updated the header drop me an fmail or a reminder (or 2) on the thread so I know to update. Thanks

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