Jun 2020
11:04am, 14 Jun 2020
10,384 posts
Some runs are just like that Phil the chinese probably didn’t help I’m always dehydrated after a chinese takeaway. Hope tomorrow is better for you.
Randomly my leg feels absolutely sound now. We walked the woods yesterday it felt tight but since we got back it has been fine. Thinking maybe overstretched in yoga had irritated a nerve?? Anyway I’ll take it steady but probably get out for a test run later.
Jun 2020
8:44pm, 14 Jun 2020
10,392 posts
I ran to my in-laws 3.5m today it was fine and no issues at all. Had a cuppa then opted to run back. 9m done and I feel amazing. I took it slow and steady and rollered it when I got back.
Jun 2020
10:39am, 15 Jun 2020
802 posts
Drooling over your beautiful garden - actually, and thoughts of a chinese! We've only had fish and chips as takeaway over the last 12 weeks!
Hope the injury improves gg, I have a dodgy shoulder at the moment literally because I fell asleep on the sofa one night! Still not back to normal after 3 weeks, that's what happens in your 40s!!!
Tough run today, don't like this humidity
Jun 2020
12:48pm, 15 Jun 2020
6,031 posts
Eynsham Red
Well done on getting your run done today Tazsedai. I dislike the humidity too. I’m afraid that random ailments seem to become more frequent with age. I’m living proof of that! 😀
Jun 2020
3:10pm, 15 Jun 2020
3,078 posts
ER, I would echo your comments. Recovery is also slower as you age. However I am thankful to God that I am still able to run, when I know many my age who cannot do so, either because of disability or by cumulative life-style consequences!
Jun 2020
10:45am, 16 Jun 2020
4,952 posts
The Scribbler
Back in the game again this week after a couple of runs that I cut short as I wasn't really feeling it. I enjoyed my virtual Blaydon Race, running 6 miles in my Avoid Everyone vest last Tuesday morning, but since then I have struggled a bit with time or motivation.
I had planned to do intervals as part of project Joker yesterday after work, but I found the pavements near me so busy that I trashed that idea and turned it into a kind of tempo run. So I got out early this morning for my 10 x 400m instead when it was nice and quiet. With a warm up and cool down I was out for an hour.
Jun 2020
12:45pm, 16 Jun 2020
6,038 posts
Eynsham Red
Nice to hear from you Evangel. I hope that your updated mileage plan is going well, and that you are fit and well too.
Early is good Scribbler 🙂
I’m aching today after venturing out on my bike for a twenty mile ride yesterday. I manage twenty plus miles on the turbo in the garden a couple of times a week, but the effort of road riding is very different.
Jun 2020
8:59am, 17 Jun 2020
10,413 posts
Love that you’ve been out for a bike ride Red the freedom!
Glad to hear you’re back on it Scribbler. I tend to find a morning run less stressful as there is less people about, while I can pass / re route it’s nicer to not have to be reminded life is rubbish at the moment.
The injury fixed itself on Saturday I ran Sunday and it was brilliant. Ran yesterday nothing. Did workout this morning and lunges set it off again. I foam rolled during lunges and just took other exercises slowly. One I was lying on my side right at the hip joint was painful so rolled ITB too. Goodness knows what it is so just taking it steady. Possibly a 50’s thing Taz
Also hope your shoulder settles soon Taz.
Have you been back out Phil?
Jun 2020
3:59pm, 17 Jun 2020
4,188 posts
Surrey Phil
No. Just didn't feel up it somehow. I'll have another go on Saturday morning.
It seems so strange at present trying to build up your mileage for a late summer or autumn race which has no guarantee of even going ahead.
Jun 2020
10:37pm, 17 Jun 2020
3,080 posts
GG, that's not good news about your injury. All I can say is take all physical activities very gently, not pushing the boundaries. If it starts to play up, stop that particular exercise or activity. If that doesn't work then take a complete rest for say 10 days, then gradually ease back into things. You may need to see the physio if it still doesn't clear up. If the injury did originate in overstretching or a strain as you first thought, then the ankle etc. may take time to heal. Presumably you've googled NHS Choices about it?