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Trimpell 20

Listed by MikeJ
  • Rated 81%
  • 20mi
  • Road
Entrants (33)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
2:53:09 2:53:09 2:53:09 53.74
2old Garmin time 2.28. 163/493 Garmin pace 7.29 Great route and weather
Liverpool Pembroke & Sefton Harriers & AC
2:27:30 2:29:05 2:29:05 67.47
Macclesfield Harriers & AC, Stainland Lions RC
2:18:11 2:18:11 2:18:11 70.94
Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
2:40:59 2:40:59 2:40:59 64.22
2:51:14 2:51:14 2:51:14 52.56
Lancaster & Morecambe AC
2:56:48 2:56:48 2:56:48 50.84
chewitt Great run would do it agin next year, Good to meet all the fetches on route and at the start
2:48:38 2:53:22 2:48:00 2:53:22 56.50
Tri Lakeland
2:48:02 2:57:00 2:57:00 56.45
Fox on a run Job done. Felt I had a bit left at the end which is encouraging ahead of FLM.
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:25:06 2:25:06 2:25:06 64.13
Georgie29 3 weeks from Paris so using as a training run slightly slower than if racing it.
Guernsey Island AAC
2:51:10 2:55:44 3:10:00 2:55:44 55.78
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:13:07 2:13:07 2:13:07 68.76
Ha! Ha! i was gone at 15 mile..proud of myself for holding it together last 5 mile..not 1 mile over 9 mins..very chuffed
North East Veterans AC
2:46:40 2:53:09 2:59:59 2:53:09 53.74
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:05:30 2:05:30 2:05:00 2:05:30 72.07
Dewsbury Road Runners
2:12:15 2:13:27 2:12:00 2:13:27 70.31
jolguk I probably have a good chance of a PB here, as I've only done 1 20 miler before, although I've missed a bit of training recently. 

Update - woops. I had a total nightmare. I got a PB, but by only 15 seconds, when I was expecting more. I just felt weak. I was run-walking in the last 4 miles, something I've never done in any race before. Nice race though. Very friendly marshals and runners. My only criticisms would be that apparently one water station ran out for people further back than me, and I think such a long race should have at least some energy drink available. Nice to see a few Fetchies, and thanks to the guy from Halifax Harriers who got me running at the correct pace for at least a few miles! :) Lovely afternoon at the Eric statue and the Midland hotel too.
Dragons RC
2:44:20 2:46:12 2:45:00 2:46:12 59.67
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:09:14 2:09:24 2:09:24 75.03
KAZZY73 Had a fab race really enjoyed it felt ok at the end shame they ran out of water at the end.
Eden Runners
3:03:44 3:13:42 3:14:00 3:13:42 51.20
Lisrun Got a pb on this last year :-) *Update* Great race :-)
100 Marathon Club, North East Marathon Club
2:50:04 2:54:13 2:54:13 61.62
mahonjai Only ever done 13.1 mile races before so this will be a challenge. I'll treat this race like one of my steady long runs as practise for my first ever marathon in Blackpool in April. Hopefully I'll be able to pace it well and not go out too hard and cruise round the distance with plenty left in the tank at the end.
Sale Harriers Manchester
2:20:30 2:20:30 2:25:00 2:20:30 63.87
3:10:02 3:10:02 3:15:00 3:10:02 52.00
mrs B@edenrunners
Eden Runners
2:16:59 2:20:48 2:20:48 71.64
Naomi P Fast and flat, and I equalled my PB even after Dent 14 yesterday. Very tired by the end of this, and think I was hitting the wall from 17 miles. Still, splits show I didn't slow below 3 hour pace. Good route along the Lune Valley, nice and scenic. Great marshalls, well organised and a good day out. Would like to come back next year, rested, for a PB.
2:48:50 2:54:06 3:10:00 2:56:45 55.36
pugheaven Split Summary
Lap 1 - 1 miles - 05:59
Lap 2 - 1 miles - 06:02 (12:02)
Lap 3 - 1 miles - 06:08 (18:10) (down and through a subway, god what a pain)
Lap 4 - 1 miles - 05:55 (24:06)
Lap 5 - 1 miles - 06:07 (30:13)
Lap 6 - 1 miles - 05:54 (36:07)
Lap 7 - 1 miles - 05:58 (42:06)
Lap 8 - 1 miles - 05:57 (48:03)
Lap 9 - 1 miles - 05:54 (53:58)
Lap 10 - 1 miles - 06:05 (1:00:03 (29:50 2nd 5))
Lap 11 - 1 miles - 06:06 (1:06:09)
Lap 12 - 1 miles - 06:02 (1:12:12)
Lap 13 - 1 miles - 06:21 (1:18:33 really weird headwind for some reason and a little climb)
Lap 14 - 1 miles - 06:15 (1:24:48)
Lap 15 - 1 miles - 06:17 (1:31:05 (31:02 3rd 5 mile))
Lap 16 - 1 miles - 06:31 (1:37:36)
Lap 17 - 1 miles - 06:30 (1:44:06)
Lap 18 - 1 miles - 06:38 (1:50:45)
Lap 19 - 1 miles - 06:41 (1:57:26)
Lap 20 - 1 miles - 06:12 (2:03:38( 32:33 4th 5 mile))

Picked it up for the last mile, but right hip flexer was tightening to the point of painful and hamstrings for some reason were tight, and simply didn't have much to give from 16-19 mile... just the thought of getting that record pulled me through...

However, wanted around 2:04:30 when I started, but like I say, wasn't sure what shape I'm in, as haven't raced much at all and not training properly either so... just went out and ran how I felt... at 8 miles started to feel tired and had been running on my own from 6 mile as per usual... just thought in my mind, get to 10 mile, then see what happens... anyway hit 10 mile in 60 minutes bang on and had thoughts of maybe a 2:02 as I knew I'd die later on as per usual... so... dug in, wind picked up a little, more a breeze really as conditions were good... by 13 mile I knew I had to dig in... legs were getting very tight, not sure why, might be the cycling I'm doing.

Anyway, got to 15 mile and though, Christ, 1:31:05 think it was... IF ONLY I'd done some long runs hahahaha then it was hold on... Dad shouted at me at 18 mile to get act together or record was going to slip... dug deeper but was on my last legs and two fellas came past annoyingly, who i couldnt' keep with. Oh well... happy with that run...

The only thing I'd say is, I think my tough half I did on Monday night caught up with me a little, no excuses, as I think I'd have died a death anyway from 15 BUT do think that I'd have lasted a mile or two more... who knows... it's a woulda coulda shoulda thing and overall, well happy to add my name to the list fo fame.
Ellesmere Port Running Club
2:03:38 2:03:38 2:04:00 2:03:38 72.70
Running Caz :-)
Cobra RC
2:47:13 2:47:13 2:55:00 2:47:13 59.12
Sale Harriers Manchester
2:07:59 2:07:59 2:07:59 70.32
Scrappy Doo Pre Eddy prep for me and longest distnace I'll have done..oh 'eck...This is the furthest I've ever run delighted..
Sandbach Striders
2:47:00 2:47:00 3:30:00 2:49:16 57.36
Should Av Run Quicker 1st time at 20 miles, not confident whatsover!! Lack of miles and speed.
**Faster than anticipated and a negative split**
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:09:24 2:09:24 2:15:00 2:09:24 72.51
Steady Edina
The Prestwich Plodders
4:14:24 4:14:24 4:14:24 39.46
swittle The second of a trio of 20-milers on consecutive weekends.  Last ran this in 2005 in 2:45 but will be lucky to hit that again!
**Update**  Pleased with 2:43 although I was dying in the last two miles.  Some excellent Fetchie performances and a haddi sighting at 12 miles :)
Red Herring Road Runners
2:27:09 2:43:22 3:00:00 2:43:47 64.31
Tarmac Runner Was flying at Stamford till injury at mile 11 a couple of weeks ago but ok again now so will be trying again for a pb at this one .PB at present for 20 mile was gained at Rhayader and thats a toughie.
Cobra RC
2:28:50 2:28:50 2:30:00 2:28:50 62.00
Unsafe Breadbin
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:04:29 2:04:29 2:04:29 72.65
Wirral AC

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