Mar 2021
7:08am, 10 Mar 2021
9,618 posts
Larkim, that number is very close to my (actual) ftp, as far as I can tell. Maybe with a gun to my head and better preparation and pacing I could have done a shade more for a full hour, say 4.2ish. and zwift itself both have me a little lower at 4.1 based on this ride but on zp I’m at 3.9. I could ride every day at the front end of B cat races and as long as I was reasonably careful with race choices I’d probably not go over 4 on their algorithm.
Mar 2021
7:33am, 10 Mar 2021
5,061 posts
Windsor Wool
Good stuff JDA.
And thanks Cstar for the offer a few pages back. I went it the office yesterday and got reminded of where all that time is wasted in ‘real’ life. My shift to a multi-sporter may be scuppered by the time demands of RL!!
Mar 2021
7:48am, 10 Mar 2021
185 posts
WW - Cycling to work is the only way I managed to get the cycling in. I will definitely be looking to make a couple of days a week WFH permanent.
I made sure I did a real bike ride yesterday, in glorious sunshine.
Mar 2021
8:05am, 10 Mar 2021
73,524 posts
Jda - I must have chosen the wrong B races when i was a B - I went up fast riding plus 4 having got dropped on many a start:-)
Mar 2021
8:13am, 10 Mar 2021
761 posts
I've got a mechanical issue on my bike as I can't shift from the large to small chainring on the front. I think the derailleur is broken on the front, as the spring is loose there. Annoying I think the fact I sweat quite a lot isn't helping the whole situation. I know you can get a guard that goes from the handlebars across the top tube to the seat, so I'l get one of those, but I'm not sure if that will help the chainrings/front derailleur in the future. Does anyone use anything else to protect a road bike when riding indoors?
Mar 2021
8:20am, 10 Mar 2021
22,097 posts
Angus Clydesdale
I have an “apron” like you describe. Plus I have a towel across the handlebars and a couple of muslin cloths for face mopping. I also wear a cotton t-shirt which soaks up a lot of sweat.
Mar 2021
8:30am, 10 Mar 2021
9,620 posts
Rusty/sticky cable also?
I have a loose towel over the handlebars that covers part of the top tube. Have meant to arrange a more permanent system but never got round to it! I don’t think my sweat gets far enough back to touch the drivetrain.
Mar 2021
8:30am, 10 Mar 2021
13,702 posts
Definitely some advantages of having a freezing cold garage to ride in - well, in the winter at least!
Mar 2021
8:49am, 10 Mar 2021
9,621 posts
Gobi, having an extra 8kgs is a big advantage whenever I’m cruising in the pack. My lighter pal got upgraded to A from trying to hang on to our strong Frappe TTT team (incidentally it was largely being pulled by that beast of a B who beat you yesterday). And for the most part I’ve learnt about the fast starts, though I do have off days
On Sunday we had simultaneous starts from staggered pens and I was in one of the ones at the back - now that really was hard!
Mar 2021
9:32am, 10 Mar 2021
73,525 posts
JDA - what do you weigh? I'm 5ft 9(175) and 11st 7(73kgs), as much as I joke I'm like the short fat lad in races......
Still trying to get my head round the beast B who rode .6WKG less than me and was 5 seconds up the road and how come he is not an A CAT :¬) I'm no twiglet so my power was high!