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Feb 2021
10:37am, 12 Feb 2021
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Big_G - double draft is a pain in races if just off the back I know that. The blob will be fast on the flatlands for sure. Not everyone will use the discord. I have seen it be fine with 100 or so on it though.

LOL Fopp, you sound just like me, Oh I lack endurance having done 209 watts for 3hr 30. That for you as a runner looks like about 3WKG
Feb 2021
10:45am, 12 Feb 2021
671 posts
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Gobi, thanks. Well, I've signed up so if nothing comes up I'll try and give it a go.
Feb 2021
11:04am, 12 Feb 2021
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Haha - Well I am averaging about 50-60 miles a week on the bike at the moment and have barely cracked 100 miles in one week since summer. I maintain fitness quite well off low volume and can still knock out a decent 20 minutes but it starts to get uncomfortable over long rides. It's a about 2.8w/kg but I guess I am about 4.6w/kg FTP at the moment and 5w/kg at my fittest point last year.
Feb 2021
11:20am, 12 Feb 2021
73,187 posts
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Nice to be a bike god Fopp - thats my ftp and I do 300-400 miles a week
Feb 2021
11:30am, 12 Feb 2021
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Did TdZ stage 8 last night round London. Just beginning to notice my riding is like my cycling, I don't like the solid flats, I much prefer undulating - consistent effort has NEVER suited me. Don't get me wrong, I can run consistently in a marathon and bang out 7.45 min miles for for fun, but I much prefer the dig in a bit, go easy , dig in a bit, go easy... and hence my pb marathons are hilly courses.

Was gonna ask about drafting but I found this link anyway: zwiftinsider.com

I enjoyed the "hills" last night in TdZ8 and launching myself from one pack up to another, on the Whitehall hill bit, then drafting, then going for it again up the hills next lap. Still much harder to catch up with people on the flats, on the hills they all start going slow it seems (yes I know everyone does, but I always feel my suffering is relatively less than those around me).

Gonna do another FTP test on Saturday, I feel like my current ranking 189w is pretty crappy, and I got that FTP test wrong even 2nd time around - hammering it hard then trying to hold on seems like an idiotic tactic. In the 15 minute FTP sessions practice, I was starting right on the current cusp 185w and then building up to 200W and holding, and for two 15 minute sessions that was eminently achievable. Going at 300W and watching it drop slowly was kind of like me running the opening 20 miles of a marathon at 7.15 pace and then going boom. Been there done that, got the t-shirt.
Feb 2021
11:36am, 12 Feb 2021
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I think it's on the undulatins that I lose some of the feel that I suppose those with smart trainers get. I basically set out to ride at a constant W (unless I'm doing a specific workout or structured ride) so when there's a hill I've got no incentive to change power at all, I just accept that that means I go up the hill at whatever pace the algorithm puts in for me, and the same on the descents. It feels like if I ride with a C group that this means they climb marginally slower than me (in the midpack) but I often feel like I get dropped on the descents.

Have you tried the ramp test Chris for the FTP test? I enjoy the simplicity of it from the perspective it's short and sweet and I don't have to pitch my own FTP guess effort levels, I just ride until I blow at whatever ramp that is.
Feb 2021
11:55am, 12 Feb 2021
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It's the nature of physics that means it's harder to bridge on the flat, Chrisull. Drag is proportional to the cube of power, but climbing rate is linear with power. This means for a given increment in power, on a hill the relative increase in velocity is larger.

It's why attempts to bridge to breaks in pro races are more often successful on climbs (it also has the advantage of giving less assistance to wheel suckers, so anyone coming with you is reasonably strong).

I struggle on rolling terrain; unless I'm feeling fresh I find accelerating the gear as the gradient eases quite tricky. I like more sustained climbs as it suits my pedalling style (and my pint sized build!)
Feb 2021
12:06pm, 12 Feb 2021
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Gobi - Being able to do 300-400 miles a week is a talent in itself, one I don't possess. Not just because of my poor discipline but I also have a fragile injury prone body. I also don't seem to improve much with training, it's the same with running. I am starting to do some Yoga in the hope that I can become more durable. I am envious of you being able to do that!
Feb 2021
12:42pm, 12 Feb 2021
73,188 posts
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Blimey Fopp we should talk , my background was ultras - ran a 16 min 5km
Feb 2021
5:28pm, 12 Feb 2021
73,189 posts
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- just screen recording of Lady Liberty, I was testing if I could record racing without the need for my UGLY mug :¬)

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