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Track & Field Fetchies

57 watchers
May 2021
10:09pm, 17 May 2021
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CC2 Speedy Goth
My running buddy only owns one pair of road runners and one pair of trail shoes. He was hoping to do a track 5000m that is (hopefully) happening in July. There are graded mile and 5000m races and usually the slowest runners do around 9 to 10 mins for the mile and up to 30 mins for the 5000m. It appears that he won't be able to take part unless he buys a new pair of racing flats that he'll never wear for anything else.

I can't imagine it would be wise to insist that only runners with the proper shoes can take part, or entries (and therefore income) will be well down. Maybe they should only insist for the faster races or for anyone looking to break an age group record in something like that?
May 2021
10:18pm, 17 May 2021
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The dilemma is where you cut off between "faster" and "slower" runners, and as SPR pointed out to me a while back even if you are a slower runner in a league race your overall position may be relevant.

But fundamentally I agree CC2. On the track it is potentially a barrier to wider participation.
May 2021
7:20am, 18 May 2021
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Cats Whiskers
Thanks for the link, SPR. Looks like my flats will be okay for all T&F events (if I ever get fit enough to compete again!).

If policed too enthusiastically, though, I agree that it could have an impact on wider participation in general, but could also have a big impact on smaller clubs who rely on athletes filling in lots of events to score points. I know that in our local masters’ league things like B rules for the walks applied, allowing wider participation, so would hope that a similar line would be taken with shoes. But as larkim says, it’s much harder to know where to draw the line for open events.
May 2021
11:40am, 18 May 2021
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I've got a masters league match tomorrow.

Some things never change, WhatsApp group this morning:

'Team sheet is looking a bit thin. Sharks, can you age group down and do jav for 50s?'

'It's 7.20, same time as my 100 but I can run it then get over to jav. HJ not 'til 8 so I should be ok.'

Shot, 100m, jav, HJ.
Busy old evening for the old person
Just like old times.
May 2021
11:41am, 18 May 2021
18,107 posts
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Good job I can wear my usual sprint spikes for everything except Shot. Will take my flattest flats for that just in case!
May 2021
11:45am, 18 May 2021
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Funny at the other end of our sporting "careers" we can "age group down" without causing issues, when in the early days as juniors that would have been cheating!
May 2021
1:38pm, 18 May 2021
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CC2 Speedy Goth
I'm honestly not sure if I'm allowed to wear either my spikes (Adidas Distancestar) or flats (Adidas Adios from before they even had numbers) for the shot put. The newer Adios are a no. Can you even do a shot put in distance spikes? I suppose it doesn't matter since I have no intention of rotating. My feet will be firmly planted on the floor. I only plan to take one attempt, get a legal mark and bugger off to warm up for my 1500. Never done a shot in my life, don't really know how to except I know you don't actually throw the thing and you have to keep it tucked into your neck.
May 2021
2:06pm, 18 May 2021
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I've never known anyone shot put in spikes, CC. Many's the time I've charged over from the 100 and changed my shoes on the edge of the circle. The throwing circle is concrete - you really don't want to be wearing spikes. Any old flats/trainers will do.
May 2021
3:00pm, 18 May 2021
14,378 posts
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Yep, my boys have had to swap to trainers when they've (cluelessly) wandered over to the concrete shot put circle to score points for their club teams. Any old trainer without spikes will suffice there though I think, especially if you declare to the field judge that you are a complete novice about it!
May 2021
3:16pm, 18 May 2021
18,109 posts
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When - sometime in my mid 50s - I decided I would like to do a heptathlon, I rather rashly bought (sale price) shoes for every discipline.

So besides my sprint spikes and middle distance spikes for training, I also have/had shot put shoes, javelin boots (spiked), LJ and HJ spikes (they're different).

The LJ spikes were useful but can't say I've had much call for the others. Mainly because it's just too much faff carting them to meets on public transport (and walking). And there's often no time between events - or I'm doing two things at once.

Discus and long jump timetabled together has caused no end of amusement as I scamper from one end of the track to another, shoes in hand.

About This Thread

Maintained by SPR
AKA the amateur athletics thread. For discussing our T&F exploits including indoors for those that do it.

Season events you're planning on doing can be added in the here (eg 1500, 3000SC, LJ, JT), if you have a goals for those events these can be added in brackets next to the event. *=previous season. If you prioritise a specific event then the list will be in order of your most important. Let me know if you want to be added.

anthonyj89* - 10000 (29:59), 5000 (14:29)
CC2 Speedy Goth* - 10000, masters league
Gobi* -
J2R* -
Larkim* - 3000 (Sub 11:00)
Maclennane* - JT (33m), DT (25m)
markgall - 1500 (PB), 5000 (sub 17:00) ✅
Roberto* - 3000SC (sub 10:30), 400H (66.xx)
Sharkie* - 100 (inc relay), 200, LJ, HJ, JT, DT, SP
SPR - 800, 1500, 5000, 400?

Let me know if there's any information that would be useful to add to links or here for those looking for events, etc.
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