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Can you run as fast as kipchoge, for 400m?

5 watchers
Sep 2023
3:13pm, 15 Sep 2023
19,633 posts
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I did 34 seconds for 200m at a Fetch Mile not too many years ago. That was not long after running a flat out mile, and also a 14 second 100m. So I suspect if rested I could have shaved a second or two off, probably not quite fast enough for a 68 second 400m though.
Sep 2023
3:58pm, 15 Sep 2023
42,658 posts
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Nice to be part of that Blister. How much break did you get between 400 reps?
Sep 2023
8:33pm, 15 Sep 2023
7,403 posts
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I think about 5 minutes because we had to complete surveys, discuss how to execute the next rep (e.g. who was changing over and how, etc.), and walk back. But we did 2 sets, trying different formations in each set. We had a small food break between sets too, so it was much more managable!

The technical team gave us a talk first about the theory behind it all, how they used math and wind tunnels to test the formations before we tried them, and why the previous attempt (the Nike one) failed.

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About This Thread

Mark Lewis is having fun, but it sparked an idea in me, can i do it?
I'm not sure but i will try soon :)

Can you do a lap at a official 400m track at 1 min 8 sec or less?

The fastest marathoner in the world does 105 laps at that speed... Insain :)

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  • 400m
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