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Track & Field Fetchies

57 watchers
May 2021
10:20pm, 21 May 2021
75 posts
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Heavy heavy winds tonight put paid to my sub 5 mile attempt tonight, was a great race instead. Made every mistake in the book but finished well to take second in 5.08 in a good field. There will be other attempts :)
May 2021
5:58pm, 22 May 2021
34,276 posts
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Nice work markgall. The weather in May has been miserable for track racing.
May 2021
10:11pm, 22 May 2021
3,639 posts
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markgall, good stuff! Wind is always annoying. You can train as hard as you like but it can be scuppered by weather conditions on the day. 5.08 sounds very good under adverse conditions.
May 2021
9:11am, 23 May 2021
1,893 posts
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Missed our first league match yesterday. (Not feeling fit enough and went to a garden party instead). I hear there was a few DQs regarding shoes.

I did a solo 1500 on Friday in the wind and rain to see where I'm at. It wasn't fun. Did 4.51 my official pb is 4.37 so considering my lack of training and other was solo, not too bad.
May 2021
9:12am, 23 May 2021
1,894 posts
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Ooo and I'm going to watch the diamond league tonight. Very excited.
May 2021
10:38am, 23 May 2021
18,134 posts
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You’ll be there? V cool!
May 2021
4:30pm, 23 May 2021
18,137 posts
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Very well organised - but small - open track meet at Wimbledon Park this morning. Just three events: TJ, HJ, and DT with two 'pools' of athletes for each event.

Main problem was that it's the other side of London from me, was very early and was FREEZING. Discus wasn't bad and I at least have now cleared the bar in the HJ. HJ was intimidating for me as I felt like I was holding everyone up and felt rushed. That's the problem with being the only person on low heights.
May 2021
10:24pm, 23 May 2021
76 posts
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Thank you SPR and J2R. Aye was a little blowy :) markgallmac.com my blog is here if anyone interested.
May 2021
12:43pm, 24 May 2021
34,303 posts
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Sounds decent Roberto. Do you have anything you want adding to the 'header'?

Sharkie - Sounds like a decent comp. Maybe you can't get rid of the feeling of holding everyone up, but you can hopefully start thinking so what, I have every right to take the time allotted for my jumps and if that holds people up then so be it.
May 2021
2:48pm, 24 May 2021
1,896 posts
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Hadn't realised there were targets. Yes, I would like to do 4.36 for 1500 and 2.16 for 800.

I've also just agreed to do the SC at the next league meet. Never done one (never even hurdled before) so it will be interesting. No target though for that.

About This Thread

Maintained by SPR
AKA the amateur athletics thread. For discussing our T&F exploits including indoors for those that do it.

Season events you're planning on doing can be added in the here (eg 1500, 3000SC, LJ, JT), if you have a goals for those events these can be added in brackets next to the event. *=previous season. If you prioritise a specific event then the list will be in order of your most important. Let me know if you want to be added.

anthonyj89* - 10000 (29:59), 5000 (14:29)
CC2 Speedy Goth* - 10000, masters league
Gobi* -
J2R* -
Larkim* - 3000 (Sub 11:00)
Maclennane* - JT (33m), DT (25m)
markgall - 1500 (PB), 5000 (sub 17:00) ✅
Roberto* - 3000SC (sub 10:30), 400H (66.xx)
Sharkie* - 100 (inc relay), 200, LJ, HJ, JT, DT, SP
SPR - 800, 1500, 5000, 400?

Let me know if there's any information that would be useful to add to links or here for those looking for events, etc.
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