Track & Field Fetchies

56 watchers
May 2021
7:53am, 15 May 2021
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Nice work markgall and J2R.
May 2021
9:56am, 15 May 2021
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Thanks, SPR.

In between my two races last night I was able to watch a really good event, the final of a mile race competition which has been going on for a while. Last night the fastest 4 men and 4 fastest women went up against each other, with the women having a 30 second start. I thought it would be closer than it was, but the lead men overhauled the first woman (who had gone out at an unsustainably fast pace, obviously learning from me!) with nearly a lap still to go. The race was won by a young lad in a tidy 4:13. Some quality running on display.
May 2021
8:59am, 17 May 2021
4,302 posts
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CC2 Speedy Goth
Death by 400s on Pingles track on Saturday. 4 of them in spikes because now they've got all officious about carbon shoes and stack heights I can apparently no longer wear my racing flats (old Adios) for the 400 I'll be point scoring in on Wednesday. As if they give me any advantage! Target is the 1500 and I'm hoping I can get somewhere near my PB of 5.07 and change. I haven't run under 5.15 since 2013 I don't think, but it's not a distance I race often, usually just point scoring having already raced a 3000m.
May 2021
10:14am, 17 May 2021
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For Friday's 3000m event it was clearly stated in the documentation sent out that the thick-soled supershoes would not be allowed, but I noticed one of the fast guys wearing Vaporflies. He was lucky not to be disqualified!
May 2021
10:20am, 17 May 2021
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Cats Whiskers
Good results, markgall and J2R.

I think I’ve misunderstood the new rules. I thought it was about the drop of the shoe rather than the sole thickness, but it sounds like I’ve got the wrong end of the stick. I have an old pair of road racing flats (Saucony Fastwitch) that I was hoping to use on the track for shorter stuff as I don’t get on with spikes now, but it sounds like those might not be allowed.
May 2021
10:22am, 17 May 2021
34,223 posts
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VF are obviously banned and fast guys shouldn't be getting away with it. Fact is, they're only wearing them cos they are fast so they have no room to complain

Sympathetic to Speedy's situation but that's the downside of a simple rule that's easy to implement.
May 2021
10:24am, 17 May 2021
34,224 posts
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It's about stack height. 25mm max for 800 and up, 20mm for the sprints. I thought the Fastwitch would be under that?
May 2021
10:30am, 17 May 2021
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The Saucony Fastwitch 9 are listed on the WA list as legal. List isn't exhaustive but newer shoes are probably on there.

For shoes not on there, you need to be careful about official measurements as some shoes might be measured without sockliner.
May 2021
10:32am, 17 May 2021
34,226 posts
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May 2021
10:50am, 17 May 2021
3,638 posts
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SPR, I know the guy in question, he's a good guy and I don't think he was knowingly breaking the rules, I think he probably just didn't realise that it was being enforced (supposedly) at this level.

As regards the racing flats question, to be honest, whatever shoes are listed, I think the only ones you might realistically get disqualified for at these events are the very obvious thick soled ones which are in the public eye, the Vaporflies, etc. I don't reckon our local officials are going to be checking all the shoes on display against a permitted list, just the obvious offenders.

About This Thread

Maintained by SPR
AKA the amateur athletics thread. For discussing our T&F exploits including indoors for those that do it.

Season events you're planning on doing can be added in the here (eg 1500, 3000SC, LJ, JT), if you have a goals for those events these can be added in brackets next to the event. *=previous season. If you prioritise a specific event then the list will be in order of your most important. Let me know if you want to be added.

anthonyj89* - 10000 (29:59), 5000 (14:29)
CC2 Speedy Goth* - 10000, masters league
Gobi* -
J2R* -
Larkim* - 3000 (Sub 11:00)
Maclennane* - JT (33m), DT (25m)
markgall - 1500 (PB), 5000 (sub 17:00) ✅
Roberto* - 3000SC (sub 10:30), 400H (66.xx)
Sharkie* - 100 (inc relay), 200, LJ, HJ, JT, DT, SP
SPR - 800, 1500, 5000, 400?

Let me know if there's any information that would be useful to add to links or here for those looking for events, etc.

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FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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