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Track & Field Fetchies

57 watchers
May 2021
9:42pm, 7 May 2021
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I'd like to see the timekeepers being more open to bribery... :)
May 2021
9:43pm, 7 May 2021
50 posts
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Good start :-) We would like to be bribed more !
May 2021
9:53pm, 7 May 2021
34,120 posts
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Congrats on the PB J2R.

It takes practice and I think it's more about feel than a specific pace. Those that have the pace to go too fast, have to learn what too fast feels like.

Personally for 800 I'm taking the approach that I can't go too fast on the first lap currently until it comes back to bite me I think.

I've generally not had issues with officials or if I have, I've forgotten, lol. You see most of the same ones of you do a lot of races in an area.
May 2021
11:59am, 8 May 2021
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I do have a sense that had I been 2 seconds slower in the first lap last night, I'd have been 5 seconds faster in the second. Might be exaggerated, though. But still, I feel if I were to achieve 2:20 some time, it would probably be from something like 69 and 71 second laps, maybe even 68-72, rather than even splits.
May 2021
1:53pm, 8 May 2021
72 posts
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Brilliant J2R 👏
Was supposed to be doing an 800 this morning but Scottish Athletics blocked guest runners so didn’t happen. I track train with a former Scottish 800m record holder, who despite being in his mid 60s still shows the class of reaching 2 commonwealth finals. Substitute session of 300 (46sec) 600 (1.44.. the lactic!) 300 (46). He destroyed me, especially on the 600 😂 Based on this today though I think my sub 2.20 was a realistic target, just need to find another 800 sometime but races here in Scotland still very rare.
May 2021
2:13pm, 8 May 2021
34,126 posts
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J2R - 800 isn't a race where you run your fastest even pace generally and although around 2 secs is ideal, I'd probably aim for 4 secs. IIRC a lot of the men's Diamond league races would go out in 49-50, and they'd run circa 1:44 early season but they'd get faster on the second lap as the season goes on and lactic tolerance improves.

I think 2:15 to 2:10 for me has been almost entirely down to first lap being faster as I'd struggled to get out fast enough in recent years. Hopefully my second lap could be a little faster with company now, but if I got down to say 65 then first lap speed would need to be upped.
May 2021
10:50pm, 12 May 2021
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17:04 (unofficially) for 5000 today. Lonely run, splits 3:19.3 3:24.1 3:31.9 3:27.7 3:21.3, think they say I probably could have worked harder in the middle portion. One that I'll want to improve on later in the season.

Hamstring held up and so far so good.
May 2021
10:58pm, 12 May 2021
34,155 posts
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The plan would have been 800 followed by the 5000 if I hadn't had the hamstring issues. With the hamstring issues and not being able to sprint as of Monday, 800 was too risky.
May 2021
9:56am, 13 May 2021
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The splits come from allowing the Garmin to lap every 1000m. Track mode is great if you can start in circumstances it works with.

I guess the answer in circumstances where it doesn't quite work is to take the first lap manually and then it should be fine from then.
May 2021
10:24am, 13 May 2021
1,692 posts
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That's an excellent effort as a solo run SPR. The middle laps are always going to hurt in that case

About This Thread

Maintained by SPR
AKA the amateur athletics thread. For discussing our T&F exploits including indoors for those that do it.

Season events you're planning on doing can be added in the here (eg 1500, 3000SC, LJ, JT), if you have a goals for those events these can be added in brackets next to the event. *=previous season. If you prioritise a specific event then the list will be in order of your most important. Let me know if you want to be added.

anthonyj89* - 10000 (29:59), 5000 (14:29)
CC2 Speedy Goth* - 10000, masters league
Gobi* -
J2R* -
Larkim* - 3000 (Sub 11:00)
Maclennane* - JT (33m), DT (25m)
markgall - 1500 (PB), 5000 (sub 17:00) ✅
Roberto* - 3000SC (sub 10:30), 400H (66.xx)
Sharkie* - 100 (inc relay), 200, LJ, HJ, JT, DT, SP
SPR - 800, 1500, 5000, 400?

Let me know if there's any information that would be useful to add to links or here for those looking for events, etc.
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