May 2021
12:48pm, 1 May 2021
3,597 posts
Only one guy under 4 minutes for the 1500m from the 10 races yesterday (3:57.4). Don't know how typical that is at these track meets.
May 2021
1:26pm, 1 May 2021
34,078 posts
Sub 4 for 1500 is pretty fast.
Rubbish day at the races for me with absolutely no redeeming factors. A week and half ago I ran 3000 in 9:59 after an 800, today I ran 9:56 fresh. I've run faster in a 5000 so piss poor.
Work to be done on relaxed form while running fast.
May 2021
1:46pm, 1 May 2021
69 posts
3 x 500s in 85 84 85 today and when was at the track was offered an 800 race for next Saturday. The typical standard of the guys in the race is about 2.10 - 2.15 and I’m still to go under 2.20. I’m not quite on pace but I’ll try not get too detached and see if I can trouble my 2.21 PB. I will be last
May 2021
1:47pm, 1 May 2021
70 posts
Well done J2R. Brilliant!
May 2021
2:36pm, 1 May 2021
3,598 posts
SPR, track stuff seems pretty unpredictable to me - can't say when you're going to have a good or a bad day. In 2 weeks time I'll be running 3000m after a 200m, so hope not to have taken too much out of the legs. The 200m is the more important of the 2, because of that infuriating 30.0 I need to beat, although the 3000m plays far more to my strengths.
markgall, thanks!
May 2021
2:44pm, 1 May 2021
34,080 posts
J2R - Not sure I agree. It's not really been unpredictable for me in the past (although 3000 is one I've always struggled to get right) and it's definitely not a game of chance but bad days can happen every so often. Even if I'm not in the race shape I think my fitness is at, this is obviously a bad day given the run after the 800.
May 2021
2:57pm, 1 May 2021
3,599 posts
Probably a question of experience, then. Last night turned out well for me when I was absolutely not expecting it to. Afterwards I worked out that I have in fact run under 5 minutes for a 1500m before, 4:55 in fact, in a mile race. But that doesn't count!
May 2021
4:05pm, 1 May 2021
34,082 posts
Yes, people peak for the championships on track, there's no reason why performances should be unpredictable.
Why weren't you expecting yesterday to turn out well?
May 2021
4:54pm, 1 May 2021
3,600 posts
SPR, because I was feeling absolutely wiped out, and my normally well-suppressed asthma has been rearing its head in the last week, with some rather aggressive pollen around. I've been working very long hours under great pressure. I had to pull out half way round the 10K on Wednesday evening as I was feeling so crap (probably a blessing in disguise in terms of yesterday, though). As I was doing my warmup run yesterday I kept feeling it was hardly worth turning up for the race, my body just didn't feel up to it. Of course, this might mean (I hope!) that I'm actually capable of a considerably better time when I'm feeling a bit less under the weather.
May 2021
5:02pm, 1 May 2021
73,967 posts
Middle distance spike recommendations please...