Track & Field Fetchies

56 watchers
May 2021
10:29am, 13 May 2021
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I think I have run sub 2.20 with a 64 second first lap , it was not pretty and far closer than it should have been
May 2021
11:00am, 13 May 2021
34,160 posts
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Thanks Will, I need to get back the ability to work hard over multiple laps. No XC season means it hasn't really been practised over the winter.

Gobi - One of our 800 runners (a former 200/400 high level runner) who has run 2:30 for marathon was telling me he did an 800 in his peak 200/ 400 days and went through in 50! Was a painful race, lol. He still has issues going off too fast due to his speed reserve. His season opener this year was a 2:04 with a 56.5 first lap!
May 2021
11:03am, 13 May 2021
74,055 posts
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I like him a lot
May 2021
11:11pm, 13 May 2021
3,626 posts
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3000m tomorrow evening. Pacing tips for that? I'm thinking steady pacing throughout, metronomic. But my best 5K times have always been with a slightly faster first mile, so I'm wondering if I should take the same approach with the 3000m. Only run one once before (last year), and felt I should have done a bit better than my 10:25 time. Doubt 10:15 is achievable but wondering about trying anyway.
May 2021
11:55pm, 13 May 2021
73 posts
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First race in 14 months tonight. Nabbed a guest spot in a local mile track race. Ran it controlled with 3 steady laps (with 2 training partners, we took a lap each) then a fast last one for 5.09. Only 6 seconds outside my best and sets me up to try to go close to 5 dead next week.
May 2021
11:57pm, 13 May 2021
74 posts
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J2R I’ve run my sub 10s by going metronome 80 second per lap pace then picking up on last 2 laps. Best of luck.
May 2021
6:51am, 14 May 2021
14,313 posts
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It's at this point where I pop up with my "every 100m make your watch beep to keep you on schedule" suggestion. For an 11:00 3000m I'd have a pacing beep for 22s and it gives me good feedback for the first 2-3 laps at the very least to avoid going too quickly.

It's not for everyone but it works for me!
May 2021
8:35am, 14 May 2021
3,628 posts
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Thanks. So, I'll go out at 82 seconds per lap and see if I can hold on or maybe speed up by a second or so per lap after 5. Larkim, never used timed beepers on my watch, but I'll look into that.

Have to do a 200m first, though!
May 2021
8:56am, 14 May 2021
14,316 posts
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SPR disapproves / doesn't like my approach, and I fundamentally would agree that it is an amateurish way to get pacing right, but as someone who doesn't run on a track very often and for whom the field of runners when I do run a track 3000m is very spread out and unpredictable it's definitely kept me honest. It might be responsible for unintentional sandbagging too of course, but trying to do the mental maths each lap from the times being shouted out at the finish line is too much for my brain to cope with when I'm running at 3k pace!

I've watched track sessions with younger athletes with the coach trying to get pacing well embedded doing a similar thing; a whistle every XX seconds with their target being to hit each 100m mark on the whistle so that when race day comes they are more instinctively hitting their paces.
May 2021
10:11pm, 14 May 2021
3,632 posts
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Two more PBs this evening, including a 2021 target achieved.

I ran 29.5 in the 200m, so that's my sub-30 done. Didn't run it that well and had more in the tank at the end than I thought I would, be got my goal and that's all that counts.

Then 90 minutes later, my very ambitious attempt at 10:15 for the 3000m proved over-ambitious. I went off too fast AGAIN (!), and really struggled late on, but still managed to take a couple of seconds off my previous best with a time of 10:23.4. I reckon with better pacing I could have done 10:20, but 10:15 was a very long way away. A PB's a PB, though!

About This Thread

Maintained by SPR
AKA the amateur athletics thread. For discussing our T&F exploits including indoors for those that do it.

Season events you're planning on doing can be added in the here (eg 1500, 3000SC, LJ, JT), if you have a goals for those events these can be added in brackets next to the event. *=previous season. If you prioritise a specific event then the list will be in order of your most important. Let me know if you want to be added.

anthonyj89* - 10000 (29:59), 5000 (14:29)
CC2 Speedy Goth* - 10000, masters league
Gobi* -
J2R* -
Larkim* - 3000 (Sub 11:00)
Maclennane* - JT (33m), DT (25m)
markgall - 1500 (PB), 5000 (sub 17:00) ✅
Roberto* - 3000SC (sub 10:30), 400H (66.xx)
Sharkie* - 100 (inc relay), 200, LJ, HJ, JT, DT, SP
SPR - 800, 1500, 5000, 400?

Let me know if there's any information that would be useful to add to links or here for those looking for events, etc.

Useful Links

FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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