RW Mature Runners

12 watchers
4 Aug
1:05pm, 4 Aug 2024
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I'm sat here, literally with my foot up. It's red and slightly swollen and Margaret thought keeping the foot raised might help reduce the swelling (along with the ibuprofen). As I'm forcibly sat around, I made myself useful by topping & tailing the gooseberries Margaret has just picked.

Hillstrider - re your new sunglasses for running, I've often thought I should get some glasses like cyclists wear as when I'm playing golf, the wind often makes my eyes water. Nice photo of you and your running club friends. I have 'the' suit which still just about fits and only comes out for special occasions (unfortunately, funerals these days rather than weddings). Well done re the forest run.

OO61 - some of the shirts had seen better days, so throwing them out isn't a big deal. But I have kept one old, comfortable shirt I've always liked. I sorted through my ties some time ago as I wear them even less frequently than the shirts! :) Well done re the parkrun result.

Obviously no plans for anything this week with my bad foot stopping me getting out and about, apart from going to see my Mum on Thursday. I've got a room booked at the Holiday Inn in Aylesbury again as it's still cheaper than the Premier Inn in Tring. So I'll be able to get some exercise as I can use the pool.
5 Aug
12:23pm, 5 Aug 2024
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0061 Re DK mile, is that really his first name? Well done for your parkrun result - first finisher and new V60 record holder, can't get any better than that.

HS Nice photo of you and your club mates at parkrun, and a good range of ages. It took Steve ages to get rid of most of his work shirts and ties, but he did hang on to a couple of suits (for weddings and funerals, but like WtnMel mostly funerals these days).

WtnMel Oh dear that sounds very sore, pity you couldn't get an earlier physio appointment. I hope the foot is a lot better by Thursday for your visit to your mum.

Another walk/run with Steve yesterday at a slightly better pace, and a bit further too. As soon as I got back home I had a short treadmill session to work on my pace. Rest day today and hopefully a long run tomorrow morning, then a trip to the physio about my shoulder (I hardly dare say it but I think it might be improving a bit, probably due to the daily exercises I'm doing).
5 Aug
7:49pm, 5 Aug 2024
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That foot sounds serious Wtnmel and hampering your regular activities so hope it clears up soon.
Aquarius it's a nick name, a bit odd I agree. Didn't realise the shoulder was still an issue, hopefully you are right about the improvement 🤞
We visited the tower of Pisa today. It was crazy busy with tourists but still a wonderful experience. I'd post a picture if I knew how 🙄
6 Aug
1:02pm, 6 Aug 2024
16 posts
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0061 Our neighbours have just returned from Italy and said it was really hot, hope you're coping well with the heat. I think I may have spoken too soon about the shoulder....

Slow 7.5 mile run for me today (the one with the 1.5 mile hill in it), both knees aching. At least that took my mind off my shoulder. Off to the physio in a couple of hours.
6 Aug
2:36pm, 6 Aug 2024
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WtnMel, I'm sorry that your foot is still causing you problems, preventing you from getting out and about.

I wore my sunglasses for my solo forest run on Sunday. They were very comfortable, but occasionally slipped slightly down my nose, necessitating me to push them back up.

I see that you will be seeing your mum on Thursday, and staying in the Holiday inn again in Aylesbury.

Aquarius, thanks, it was a good club turnout for the Brockenhurst parkrun.

Well done for Sundays walk/run with Steve at a slightly better pace, and a bit further. I'm sorry that this mornings 7.5 miles has given you aching knees, and hope that the visit to the physio will help your aching shoulder.

0061, that certainly must have been a wonderful experience, visiting the Tower of Pisa.

I had a lovely 8.36 miles forest run yesterday with the Sarah's. Conditions were good, and virtually wet and mud free. It was sunny, but with a slight breeze.

This morning, conditions were completely different. It was raining heavily, and I was glad that I wore my anorak, with the hood up, for my Farmers Walk.
6 Aug
3:02pm, 6 Aug 2024
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I've had to cancel my plan to visit my Mum on Thursday as I still can't drive and am still sat around with my feet up. I've just phoned her to apologise and I've booked a room at the Holiday Inn for the week after (Thu 15th). I know the foot is better as I've been taking photos so comparing today's with yesterday, I can see it's less red and swollen.

Aquarius - as mentioned above, I've had to postpone the visit to my Mum for a week. Well done re the walk/run with Steve at a better pace and glad to hear you think the shoulder is improving (though the later post after your 7.5ml run suggests you may have spoken too soon).

OO61 - to post an image, you have to click on 'Image' up there ^^^, then upload the photo from your computer (or phone) and then I think click on 'Add image' and it gets inserted wherever the cursor is. At least, that's what I think you do. Is your picture just of the tower of Pisa - or were you tempted to do the 'tourist' thing of pretending to hold it up? ;)

Hillstrider - my friend Alan has a rubber 'thingy' he uses to keep his glasses in place when he's doing DIY and I've often meant to look at getting one for myself. I expect you could use something like that when running? Well done re yesterday's 8ml forest run with Sarah. You were fortunate it was sunny yesterday rather then wet like it was today for your farmer's walk.
6 Aug
3:09pm, 6 Aug 2024
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@hillstrider - these are the sorts of things I meant. I got these photos from Amazon - but other retail outlets are available! :)

6 Aug
3:56pm, 6 Aug 2024
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WtnMel, thanks for posting the picture of various aids for holding glasses in place. I will pursue the next time I visit the village.

Reference posting photos, I've only ever managed to post one. When I click on more than one, the click moves off the first one onto the next. It's only on fetch that this happens. I can click and post on as many as I want on WhatsApp, facebook etc.
6 Aug
8:55pm, 6 Aug 2024
149 posts
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Wtnmel let's see if this works. And thanks 👍
An exhausting day travelling home will post tomorrow. Sorry you foot is still bad it must be very frustrating.
7 Aug
12:46pm, 7 Aug 2024
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It worked @OO61 :) Yes, very frustrating being stuck indoors with my foot up. But it is getting better as the daily photos I've been taking show the improvement. Photos not just for my benefit btw as I figured the podiatrist I'll see on Tue will also be interested.

@hillstrider - I had to upload the photos but was then able to click on 'Image' above to include the first photo, then did the same thing for the second one.

About This Thread

Maintained by WtnMel
With the demise of the RW forums, several of us who used to chat on the 'Mature Runners' thread have been made homeless (I posted on it even though I am no longer a runner!). I have created this thread so we can continue chatting and I hope the others will find their way here ..

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