Aug 2024
12:20pm, 13 Aug 2024
21 posts
Sorry to hear about your sore hips 0061, and cold. Hopefully a couple of rest days will help (do you take rest days?) Yes, I did have some work done on my face, mostly on acupuncture points around my eyes and jaw (not actual acupuncture, but there was pressure applied). I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not and was surprised to find how sore those areas were, but afterwards I had a much greater range of movement in my neck.
HS I hope you hydrated properly after that run yesterday, I found I drank a lot more than usual after my run yesterday. I remember reading somewhere that as we get older the thirst response doesn't work as well as it used to, so our bodies don't recognise that we are getting dehydrated, particularly in the case of runners. That's why I always make the effort to drink a bit more than I feel I need. Steve is coming along quite well with his C25k thanks for asking, although he had to walk a bit on an incline yesterday due to the heat. He'll be going again tomorrow morning so I may go along with him. His knee still aches, but it isn't getting any worse with running, so he still putting off a decision about having a cortisone injection. My knees have both been aching on recent runs, I hope I'm not "catching" his arthritis!
WtnMel I hope your foot continues to recover and you managed to get that walk done.
Our sons (and families) have gone on holiday together for 3 weeks. The eldest son having borrowed our king size suitcase. He messaged us yesterday to say the airline have lost the suitcase and can find no trace of it at either the departure airport or the arrival one. I hope it turns up somewhere otherwise he'll have to replace 3 weeks of clothes etc for himself and daughter (and buy a new suitcase presumably to bring everything home in).
I've just signed up for another season of XC, hopefully these creaky knees will last the distance!
Aug 2024
1:05pm, 13 Aug 2024
2,709 posts
Aquarius - the foot saga continues (see below). You mentioned often being the only V70 lady at parkrun. Columba (who used to post on RW, and who I am a buddy of on here) is usually the only one in her category - but said a 'tourist' turned up and beat her. She said she was surprised to see her there - and presumably hopes she won't turn up again! I've heard of acupuncture on the face but never experienced it myself. But if you have a greater range of movement in your neck as a result, sounds like something is working. Margaret often tells me off about not drinking enough when I'm at home. But when I'm on rambles, my 'Platypus' is invaluable as I can sip water as often as I like from the drinking tube, so never get thirsty. Sorry to hear your knees are aching a bit. Oh dear, re your eldest son having the problem of his suitcase being lost - hope it turns up sooner rather than later.
Hillstrider - well done re your recent 5ml solo run.
OO61 - good and bad news re my foot (see below). Sorry to hear about the sore hips and cold lurgy and hope both go away soon.
I spoke to soon - or got a bit carried away - re my foot. After so long sat around, having been on my feet to cook our Sunday roast, my right foot was slightly swollen yesterday. I had felt some residual tightness but thought it was 'normal' after the problems I'd had. So I took it easy yesterday and have done so today and I didn't go for a walk. Anyway, off to see the podiatrist later with my notes on when my foot problems have been occurring and my own theories of what has been causing the problems. I hope she will be able to provide some sort of answer. Although I haven't used them for ten years or more, she has asked me to bring along any orthotics I have. Maybe it is time to start using them again? Who knows - but I hope she does. I'll also take along my everyday shoes as she may want to see what I wear day-to-day.
Aug 2024
2:53pm, 13 Aug 2024
15,696 posts
csAquarius, yes, I did hydrate after yesterday's 12k forest run, but we all carried drinking liquid during the run.
Good to hear that Steve is making good progress with the C25k. I hope that he doesn't have to have a cortisone injection. Fingers crossed that you aren't catching his arthritis!
I'm sorry to hear that your eldest sons suitcase has gone AWOL. I hope that it eventually turns up.
Well done for signing up for another seasons XC. I do hope that your knees "last the course!"
WtnMel, I always carry water with me on the longer runs during the summer.
Thanks, I also ran 12k yesterday with the Sarah's on the hottest day, so far, of the year.
I'm sorry to hear that your right foot is still "playing up" and hope that today's visit to the podiatrist will help to resolve the problem.
The usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning, and tomorrow is speed work.
Aug 2024
1:56pm, 14 Aug 2024
2,711 posts
A useful visit to the podiatrist Sally yesterday - she really knows her stuff and I wish I'd recorded the conversation as she covered a lot of ground (pun intended!). The problem with my right big toe is something called 'hallux rigidus' (I'll post an image below). The lack of movement in the big toe leads the body to adapt and more pressure is put on other parts of the foot, leading to soreness. The left big toe seems much less affected and there is more movement of the joint. Sally did a comprehensive check of my feet, noted that the right big toe is limited to about 10 degrees (usual range of motion can be up to 60 degrees). She also noted that my ankles are out of 'true' - they should be around 4 degrees off vertical and my right ankle was 14 degrees (left ankle was around 6 degrees). Sally suggested the best option, to avoid over-flexing of the joints, would be to get some running shoes which have what she termed 'mid-sole rockers' - these are shoes which are more curved and help the foot 'rock' forwards while the toe joint stays flatter inside the shoe. Hoka and MTB were two makes she suggested looking at. From my initial research, it looks like my favourite brand Saucony also do this type of shoe. I check online a bit more but then will visit my local 'Up & Running' store to get some face-to-face advice.
Aug 2024
2:20pm, 14 Aug 2024
15,702 posts
WtnMel, your visit to the physio does appear to have been productive. It makes sense to procure a trainer with mid-sole rockers. I was wondering though whether there were shoes specifically for walking, rather than running, as you no longer run.
This morning, I ran 6.94 miles, including 5 x 800 metres with 90 seconds recoveries, with Sarah H and Mike.
Aug 2024
4:29pm, 14 Aug 2024
2,713 posts
The podiatrist said some running shoes with midsole rockers would be perfectly adequate for the brisk walking I do. Apparently, I would be okay with my walking boots I use when going on rambles, because the rigid soles would stop the toes flexing too much.
Aug 2024
11:49pm, 14 Aug 2024
166 posts
Crikey Wtnmel never thought I'd find feet so interesting. It's an education 👍 I haven't signed for the XC yet Aquarius. I might see you at the Blyth 10k (GP1) if you are doing? Looks like a good session hillstrider. I had 2 days rest with a heavy cold but back with a short run and bike session today.
Aug 2024
2:22pm, 15 Aug 2024
15,708 posts
WtnMel, it will be interesting to see what shoes you will choose, and how you get on with them.
0061, thanks, it was a good session, and the gravel and grass track was in perfect condition.
I hope that you are feeling better now from your cold, and that your short run and bike session helped.
This morning was a solo 3.86 miles hilly forest run.
Aug 2024
4:42pm, 15 Aug 2024
15,711 posts
Aug 2024
1:33pm, 16 Aug 2024
15,717 posts
Just the usual Friday Farmers Walk this morning.