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parkrun thread

507 watchers
May 2021
6:40pm, 10 May 2021
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Re. several pages back about the increased scanners. I raised this with HQ and was told that I can appeal in the briefing/grab the first finishers if we are short beforehand.
May 2021
7:51pm, 10 May 2021
4,039 posts
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I’ve scanned following running before.
May 2021
8:04pm, 10 May 2021
10,029 posts
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Requiring registration doesn't stop it from being free or open to all, at all.

We've had numerous mentions of test events etc in the past with very limited numbers. Why didn't parkrun cease to exist at that point, if it's such a no-no?
May 2021
8:05pm, 10 May 2021
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There's already no barcode, no result. Why weren't there any complaints to the Charity Commission about that?

Honestly, some people need to get a sense of proportion. It's a run in the park.
May 2021
8:09pm, 10 May 2021
183 posts
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For events that are now required to have 10+ & usually manage with 4-5, that's a big ask.

Also, the Framework is public, & has been sent to landowners, Local Authorities, etc, so if they're going to change it, then they need to actually change it!

There's a risk that an event gets looked at closely, & found not to have the required number of scanners. The landowner could say that you need to meet the RA requirements the day before.
May 2021
8:23pm, 10 May 2021
14,268 posts
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I agree, there's nothing "legal" which is stopping the registration of runners. I think from parkrun's perspective it's just that they view the free to all as a fundamental; their prerogative, it's their product that they want to protect it.

If there was a shortage of "ticks" to go on trainers, Nike probably wouldn't want to sell them even though the trainers would still work. A bit of a poor analogy, but brand owners like to keep their brands consistent. Others might disagree about whether that is right or not, and if parkrun fails to restart because of their intransigence about the "just turn up" then they'll only have themselves to blame. I doubt it will come to that.
May 2021
8:35pm, 10 May 2021
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But there is already the need for a barcode if you want a result. That breaks any claim of "just turn up" just as much as pre-registration does. It's virtually the same thing, still a pre-registration, just done once rather than per event. Pretending that one thing is just completely fine and the other utterly impossible is just.....stubborn for the sake of being stubborn.
May 2021
9:33pm, 10 May 2021
943 posts
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If you are requiring registration but all places are already taken at event A then where do I go? What if the rest of my family, friends are already booked on event A before I get to book and only event B is available? If you have only even numbers one week and odd the next week then what do you do with the kid who is only eligible to run on a different week to their parent? What about those who don't have Internet access and can't get online to pre register? What about those who can't get online quick enough to register? What if only event B is available and I don't have transport to get to that event? Or if dogs are not allowed at that event? Or you run with your kid in a buggy and there are steps at that event?

It is the individuals choice if they don't want to run with a barcode or be identified, parkrun don't have a problem with that, and that doesn't exclude people. Removing people because they don't meet your pre-registration requirements does exclude people.

Honestly, people need to get a sense of proportion. It's only a run in the park and there is negligible risk.
May 2021
9:38pm, 10 May 2021
10,033 posts
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um...no reg no result is the same in both scenarios. They still can't physically prevent people turning up in large numbers, the park is an open public space after all.
May 2021
9:49pm, 10 May 2021
184 posts
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So even if an event team knows local councillors & could 'influence' progress, which is what parkrun asked everyone to do, being on an event team means you shouldn't.

What if you've changed the course, as per the Framework, & need to check if the landowner is happy?

About This Thread

Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Here's a wiki giving brief reviews of parkruns up and down the land:


parkruns with restart permission: google.com

Note: Hendo is a boy.

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