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parkrun thread

4 lurkers | 507 watchers
May 2021
2:50pm, 10 May 2021
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If they were worried about being over-run they could just ... get people to pre-register? Can't stop people just turning up of course, bit no registration, no result would put off those who are obsessive about these things (which seems to be most).

I bet that in reality it will be a slow ramp-up of numbers. People will have got out of the habit, found other things to do on Saturday, or just plain not hear about it (outside of the fanatical core). That's before you even consider people who may still be nervous about large gatherings for a variety of reasons. I'd bet on fewer than 100 for first week at my local (usually 200ish pre-lockdown).
May 2021
2:54pm, 10 May 2021
22,390 posts
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I wonder how numbers actually attending events before the Great Inconvenience match up with the estimated attendances submitted in the initial applications? I would think that quite a lot of places are 2x or even 3x. Something which, if things are being looked at afresh, might cause a question to be raised, at least.
May 2021
2:55pm, 10 May 2021
20,927 posts
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One of our local events hasn't said yes yet. It's a country park that is only allowing those with annual membership cards entry for the time being, so I doubt they'll welcome 400 park runners on a Saturday morning until they have lifted the restrictions for other park users.
May 2021
2:57pm, 10 May 2021
176 posts
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SPR is correct, I recall one event having to pause & get their licensed number increased by the council.
May 2021
2:59pm, 10 May 2021
20,703 posts
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Yes, I'll correct my maths from above:

*8 working days, only 1 of which have not been subject to purdah or used key officers for electoral admin*

You know where they generally do election counts? You know what council department is usually responsible for that venue?
May 2021
3:04pm, 10 May 2021
14,264 posts
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Even if they asked for preregistration (and could afford the necessary systems mods to make it operationally viable if they've not got this already available) they'd have no ability to prevent non-registered runners from attending. Pre-registering feels to me like a red herring.

I'd agree with the slow ramp up as being something which will happen inevitably in many areas, though i suppose it only takes a couple of mega enthusiastic local clubs and event team to generate a lot of footfall for the return date.

But combine that slow ramp up with messaging about parkrunners being responsible by using home run only, listening to any caution from local event teams, being prepared to go home if it looks very busy when you arrive etc etc and it might all just pass off without a hitch.
May 2021
3:21pm, 10 May 2021
34,133 posts
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Why would it be a red herring? 300 event. Allow pre-register to 270 so 30 for truly unaware. Are we saying that if people had to pre register they would just ignore? That would say a lot about people.

In reality most rules only enforceable by consent anyway. If we all decided we didn't agree with a rule and therefore didn't obey it, it would be pretty hard to enforce
May 2021
3:22pm, 10 May 2021
34,134 posts
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And yes some would ignore but surely not enough to be a problem?
May 2021
3:24pm, 10 May 2021
177 posts
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From the framework
"All 5k events are required to provide a minimum of one scanning volunteer per 50 finishers."

As they're 'required', you have to have them on the roster before you start.
So a lot more definite volunteers needed whilst operating under the framework.
May 2021
3:26pm, 10 May 2021
512 posts
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There was pre-Covid precedent of this at Kingston.


About This Thread

Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Here's a wiki giving brief reviews of parkruns up and down the land:


parkruns with restart permission: google.com

Note: Hendo is a boy.

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