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parkrun thread

3 lurkers | 507 watchers
May 2021
4:52pm, 10 May 2021
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& those events are done with limited numbers, start slots, & they know precisely who is running/racing.

Also done with a UKA Licence
May 2021
4:52pm, 10 May 2021
941 posts
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parkrun have changed things over the years from the type of sponsors they will work with, charging for tshirts, dog restrictions, and a bunch of other things. That is all to meet the principle of free and open to all though.
May 2021
5:09pm, 10 May 2021
927 posts
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BK brighter days ahead
Eventbrite can be used for free and provides a system of pre registration should one be required, even if only as a means to guage numbers.
May 2021
5:14pm, 10 May 2021
928 posts
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BK brighter days ahead
The team at Nice Work were very good at organising and controlling the event I took part in a few weeks ago and participants all adhered to their instructions.
May 2021
5:18pm, 10 May 2021
180 posts
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So they'll have to wait...

The Roadmap was published 22nd February.
Nothing from parkruns side has changed since they published their own Framework.
They could/should have been having discussions with the larger landowners, Local Authorities & the Local Government Association about restart.

For those that are going to say 'oh but Central Government said...';
they are NOT the landowners or event licensers
they are NOT supportive of Local Government
would your MP publicly back parkrun & the LA, & not take the side of local moaners? Would they write to the local press?
May 2021
5:18pm, 10 May 2021
19,689 posts
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Boris press conference may have changed this all anyway and make it all open?
May 2021
5:25pm, 10 May 2021
181 posts
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It's just confirmation that Step 3 will go ahead on 17th May
May 2021
5:34pm, 10 May 2021
942 posts
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They probably should have been leaning on various councils sooner to see what they needed, but they surely were with juniors anyway.

Saw that a local council, which still hasn't given juniors permission, has told an enquiring newly elected councillor that they have been given all they need for juniors but not for 5kms...but for some reason juniors still isn't back.

So there is presumably some miss communication going on somewhere along the line. Most surrounding 5km events have now been given permission and most juniors will be back in two weeks.
May 2021
5:42pm, 10 May 2021
182 posts
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For juniors, they may need the relevant councillor, or even SAG, to sign it off.
May 2021
5:57pm, 10 May 2021
1,765 posts
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@richard the point wasn't so much that those

Bedgebury events are running so parkrun should run there - they are different, I've run a few of this organiser's covid compliant format and the waves are extremely small, the event is more time trial than race and hard to see how anyone could have an issue with them. More just that forestry England doesn't appear to have a no-event policy, but they may have a conservative approach which parkrun is unwilling to sign up to because it would be too much of a compromise.

Probably a better comparator for parkrun would be the junior football league competition I saw at our local park this weekend (the parkrun shares the facilities) - admittedly juniors but there were over 500 people there playing sport with family spectators etc. If the local council is happy with that it would be inconsistent to prevent parkrun from returning as many of the potential risks are the same risks, they aren't unique to running or adult sports esp given increasing vaccination coverage of the adult population. Hope this doesn't come across as critical of the football as imo maybe we need other sports to lead the way, runners seemed to get a particularly bad rap. I stopped doing speed sessions outside because I'd seen so many posts on local Facebook groups complaining about runners daring to breathe!

About This Thread

Maintained by Hendo
A discussion of all things parkrun.

Here's a wiki giving brief reviews of parkruns up and down the land:


parkruns with restart permission: google.com

Note: Hendo is a boy.

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  • parkrun

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