Things you want to say but can't

1 lurker | 424 watchers
Jun 2020
2:20pm, 1 Jun 2020
46,848 posts
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Wouldn't it be easier just to pay my invoice when it lands instead of "setting it up" to be paid at some random date of your choice in the future? Or does it amuse you to think that you might be causing me significant inconvenience rather than minor irritation?
Jun 2020
2:21pm, 1 Jun 2020
2,475 posts
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(LN, wait until they try Kyrgyzstan :-) )
Jun 2020
2:48pm, 1 Jun 2020
10,612 posts
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Little Nemo
[ :-) ]
Jun 2020
4:38pm, 1 Jun 2020
31,275 posts
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If you bloody turn up here at 5 Iโ€™m not going paddling. The tide will hinder us and itโ€™s too windy right now.
Jun 2020
5:08pm, 1 Jun 2020
10,050 posts
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Stop fucking cutting the tree down.

What the fuck are you actually doing.

It not only screens both mine and your gardens from the flats opposite, but also offers some security to both of our houses.

You don't have a fucking clue about what the fuck you are doing in the garden. Because something doesn't flower, it doesn't make it "not pretty"

And thanks for asking before doing it (sarcasm)
Jun 2020
5:16pm, 1 Jun 2020
2,559 posts
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[Fozzy - cutting down trees in nesting season? May need to call the council.]
Jun 2020
5:26pm, 1 Jun 2020
10,051 posts
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[It's in their garden - they can do what they like as far as I'm aware - and there was no nest in it. It wasn't huge - about 4m or so - but it was valuable screening. They apparently think it will give them a lot more space (they'll gain about 1.5m2 and only if they can get the stump out - which I doubt) and more sunlight (they won't because it's their house that blocks the sun and their enormous gate). I'm just going to have to get something fast growing like a laurel or something biggish in on my side roughly where it was to screen - just going to cost me money. And they didn't even bother to ask even though it affects me]
Jun 2020
5:27pm, 1 Jun 2020
2,191 posts
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Minnie Mad
I am leaving on 19th June because that was my leaving date as agreed between me, my employer and my union as part of my redundancy settlement. Of course I'm not going to stay on a bit longer to finish off some of the work I haven't finished. You f****** idiots. Any more comments like that and I'll be developing a high temperature and a sore throat pronto and I won't be doing anything at all until I leave! You made me redundant because you didn't like the way I did my job. You can't turn around now and ask me to do more work simply because the school hasn't been functioning as normal for the last 10 weeks.

You've had months to ask me for an effective handover plan but you didn't. What have you been doing instead? I bet you've been sifting through all the applications for my replacement haven't you? I know that the closing date is today.
Jun 2020
6:39pm, 1 Jun 2020
9,412 posts
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ITG ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ธ
Reported. Fact check before you share the next racist tirade.
Jun 2020
6:39pm, 1 Jun 2020
46,856 posts
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Have you downed tools for the day? That's inconvenient.

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Maintained by Iris
Whether it's for legal reasons, the desire to keep your job or just plain self preservation. What w...

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