I have found commune hard. I've done Day 6 (yesterday) and today I started day 7 and just abandoned it, went and found Yoga for Self-Doubt and did that. I find the pace of commune is off kilter with me...I might try again but it's not really clicking.
hp: I guess the best thing to do is sitting and standing postures?
I think the issue is that commune is aimed at a different market. She is presumably trying to capture new followers. She doesn't come across in the same way in the videos as she normally does and the pace is painfully slow.
I'm not sure it would give me confidence if I was new to yoga, holding the poses for so long has been really hard, and the core set yesterday was really tough. I couldn't do it all (fair enough 6 weeks post-op) but even taking that into account I though it was really difficult.
The self-doubt practise was good, faster pace than commune, a little core and I can see how it would build self-belief.
It was Be Kind last night, really liked that one for winding down before bed. hp: I think that most vids which don't involve down dog would work for you. You can adjust plank to do it on your elbows instead of your hands. And there are lots of sitting and standing vids. Maybe we should make a list? All the ones I've done so far this month have involved mostly sitting and when there were down dogs I mostly skipped them!
I’ve missed a couple because they had been locked by the time I caught up and number 2 didn’t appear at all. My core is grumbling today! Once this lot is done I may go back to the January ones
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