Feb 2009
3:36pm, 24 Feb 2009
8,795 posts
So....erm....how do you do it...
I've nailed the 5k with 3 runs of close to 19 and a PB of 18:57....The 10k elludes me
Anyone else going for this goal?
Feb 2009
3:39pm, 24 Feb 2009
20,400 posts
It's roughly my ability at the moment. If you can go sub 19 for 5k sub 40 for 10k should definitely be on. A bit tight maybe but certainly possible.
Feb 2009
3:40pm, 24 Feb 2009
7,937 posts
eL Bee!
Hmmm - I've not gone under 40 for a 10K!! Not raced one for a while though!
Feb 2009
3:40pm, 24 Feb 2009
8,797 posts
I have a flat 10k coming up and a couple of other Fetchies looking to go for it...
I have it as a goal for this year
Feb 2009
3:40pm, 24 Feb 2009
8,798 posts
Don't you have something else on Bee
Feb 2009
3:41pm, 24 Feb 2009
4,203 posts
Yes, but probably next year. My 5K PB is only just under 20mins (on a tough course mind you), so I've got a lot of work to do ! More tempo and LT training needed I guess ?
Feb 2009
3:43pm, 24 Feb 2009
1,698 posts
Homer, yep I'm in, actually have a 10K this Sunday but I know I don't have any real speed in the legs but April 24th is pencilled in for my attempt to go sub-40, I did 41:15 in the same race last year but it was three laps with a nasty hill near the end of each lap and I am hoping they have changed the course this year.
My plan FWIW is to keep up the marathon training but also include one run each week with miles at 6:30 in there to get used to the type of speed that I will need. So with that leg speed I am hoping that the marathon training with the long runs will mean that the legs have enough strength to keep that going for the 6.2 miles.
How's about yourself, any tricks up your sleeve?
Feb 2009
3:46pm, 24 Feb 2009
8,799 posts
Tricks...yup...my 5k PB of 18:57 was set at the tough Bramhall course. I hope to get out and beat it on a flat course ....hopefully another 30 seconds?
This then gives me a platform for the 10k
I plan to run the parkrun more and more to get used to running 19ish for 5k and build the endurance through marathon training to keep the speed for longer
(and loose more weight)
Feb 2009
3:52pm, 24 Feb 2009
20,402 posts
On the mx calculator 5k in 18-57 is worth 39-48 for 10k. Though if you can do 18-30 you'll have even more leeway
Feb 2009
3:54pm, 24 Feb 2009
8,802 posts
Sounds good...though the 18:30 is still theoretical
Might take a stroll to Alexandra park to test it out