Apr 2012
6:32pm, 3 Apr 2012
12,790 posts
Fenland Runner
Very Nice Running, like that lsr BVRB
Apr 2012
7:02pm, 3 Apr 2012
5,316 posts
♣BelleVueRacer♣ of Beartown
I'm gooses now. And I have to pan pint the kitchen diner. Fcek!
Apr 2012
8:42pm, 3 Apr 2012
4,104 posts
Lol bvrb nice Long Running
I am most definitely in the mind camp. Mostly I decide what I want then go for it rather than think if I'm capable of it yet. Sub 3:12 at London Admittedly was 3:15 when i 1st decided to enter cos I couldn't bring myself to go for champ start unless I believed I could get the champ start time (I got in on the half time which I think is easier) but I liked 7:20 miling as easier to remember an work out in my head - provided I still have the glycogen there! So I put 3:12 on the entry as planned time.
Apr 2012
10:11pm, 3 Apr 2012
11 posts
Hello everyone! Sounds like everyone is doing well and in to their taper now. What sort of training are people planning in the 3 week run up to marathon (VLM for me)?
This week I am planning: Intervals - Warm up - 8x800m - Warm down Tempo: 6 miles (1 easy, 5@7.30) PMP: 13 miles PMP
Next week I am planning: Intervals - Warm up - 5x5000m - Warm down Tempo: 6 miles (2 easy, 3@7.15, 1 easy) PMP: 10 miles PMP
Marathon week I am planning: Intervals - Warm up - 6x400m - Warm down Tempo: 3 miles (1 easy, 2@PMP)
I know everyone's is completely different but interested in some feedback. I always follow the same structure of 1xinterval, 1xtempo and 1xLSR from the FIRST Run Less, Run Faster plan.
Apr 2012
11:02am, 4 Apr 2012
1,878 posts
Hi Barry
I am by no means an expert, but that looks like a lot of high intensity miles in the taper. Do you do any 'easy' runs? Obviously I don't know what your training plan has been in the build-up - is the FIRST based on 3 'quality' runs per week rather than a mix of speed/intensity and easier miles?
Mine is mainly 'easy' (sub-70% HR) miles with some PMP/tempo thrown in for 'sharpening' - 35m ish this week, 20m ish next week and 10m in marathon week.
I'm sure somebody with more know-how and experience will be along soon to be more helpful - I'd also be interested in the feedback as perhaps I should be doing more 'sharpening' and less 'easy' (I don't think of it as 'junk') mileage!
Apr 2012
11:32am, 4 Apr 2012
12,805 posts
Agree with C, a lot of hard stuff in the taper, I assume the 5 x5000m is a typo!!!
Heebs, you are in a slightly unusual situation in that your recent races/training suggest sub 3.30 but it is a big step from your last marathon. I know my head would struggle with that and I think that is partly why I got so many PBs in the Autumn because I just had the confidence to go a little bit faster each time (that and as the time went on I was still training and improving a bit as well as losing a bit of weight).
If I was you I would want 2 marathons, one where I could go for something like 3.40 then another to go sub 3.30 or crash. You know you def have an easy PB in there but it is diff to know whether to go for 3.30 and hope you dont blow up big time then come in with a tiny PB or to be more conservative. I suppose you have done enough marathons to know how you should be feeling and you could set off at 3.30 but assess the situation at different intervals eg after an hour ask yourself if you are feeling how you should at this point, then another assessment at halfway. If it is feeling harder than it should then ease off the pace a little.
I remember Shakespeare a few years ago where it was really hot and I was aiming for sub 4. At the start I thought it wouldnt happen but decided to try anyway. At halfway I was on pace but then I had to start working really hard. At about 17 miles (at one of the hills) I realised I wasnt going to beable to do sub 4 as it was just too hard to maintain the pace so I walked the hill and then decided to jog in and save myself for Edinburgh. After a few miles I felt loads better and finished feeling fine and still with a small PB. Had I tried to push the sub 4 pace til I blew up I would have come in a lot slower and in a much worse state.
Apr 2012
11:33am, 4 Apr 2012
10,103 posts
Brighton isn;t going to be my 3.30 shot, but I'm still enjoying lurking on this thread - really excited to see some times after Brighton and VLM. Inspiring stuff.
Apr 2012
3:03pm, 4 Apr 2012
2,285 posts
Hellen, that's the way I've been thinking. A pb is as certain as it can be as long as there are no disasters. I could book a late spring or early summer marathon but I don't want to give myself an extra excuse not to aim for sub 3:30.
I'm going to go for it.
Apr 2012
3:04pm, 4 Apr 2012
2,286 posts
Apr 2012
4:21pm, 4 Apr 2012
321 posts
Nice running all, most of you seem to be finishing the hard work of your schedules with positive runs... unfortunately, my last long run was a stinker! I planned to run 22 miles, using Gobi's recommended progressive style, but by 17 miles I was absolutely drainined of all energy, and so aborted the run and walked/trudged the 3 miles home very slowly.
I've been doing a lot of reflection on this run since, I am hopping that I am currently fighting off some sort of illness/virus, rather than I have either peaked too early, am overtrained or just being unrealistic with the predicted time. I've come to that conclusion because I have been absolutely exhausted since before the run on Saturday. I'd planned 6-8 on the Friday night, to try Saturdays run on tired legs, but came home after 4 miles as I saw the bigger picture and just cba. Then after Saturday run I slept for 1.5 hrs in the afternoon and 12 hours that night, but will still tired by Sunday afternoon! On Monday I had to leave the office early as I was falling asleep at my desk. And so, I've not run since Saturday.
In terms of current PB, I am very much in the same boat as you heebiejeebie, so as long as I recover then I'm also definitely going for sub 3:30... probably
I suppose I need to get out and do a few runs. Although I may not start with Barry's 5x5000m intervals