15 Jan
9:52pm, 15 Jan 2025
2,520 posts
I started a small 10k in Solihull ("The Hearing Dogs 10k") and was a few places back as the leaders forgot to exit the run track and started a 2nd lap, others and myself followed the route out. I was expecting the leaders to come back past quite sharpish but they never did. Me and another guy ran most of it at the front together then I kicked on and won. It was a weird feeling as it was unexpected, but the move to win it felt great when I realised there was no response.
This was when running seemingly wasn't as popular and 35mins+ could win a small town 10km!
I've led / 1st finished a few Parkruns which always feels awkward for some reason.
The faster times I've run at 5km in competive fields have probably been the best feeling even though I'd been a few minutes behind the winners. As mentioned up thread standing on the line knowing the fitness is there to do my own best was a great feeling.
I haven't run enough Marathons to have that feeling fully over 26.2.
15 Jan
11:40pm, 15 Jan 2025
4,740 posts
I have been lucky enough to win two marathons. The first was the cleethorpes maravan when i took the lead at mile 1 and ran the rest of the race solo winning by a couple of minutes. The second was a mainly off road marathon. Conditions were terrible at the start after a week of solid rain and just got worse as it rained heavily all race. Took lead at 10 miles and won by 2-3 minutes. Wasn’t even sure I had won that one as there was multiple races going on at the same time
Achilles recovery going well so I have entered the Tissington Trail marathon on 27 April may well be a sub 3:30 attempt rather than sub 3:15 but see how we go