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The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

3 lurkers | 334 watchers
Sep 2020
11:59am, 5 Sep 2020
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ChunkyWizard, are you thinking more like a virtual event/champs? I'm not keen on that idea to be honest but the thought had crossed my mind as it is definitely an option.

Ours is based on Age Grading. If it's a tough, hilly, trail event it's still based on Age Gradings so the %s may be lower than a flat and fast course, but it doesn't really matter at the end.
Sep 2020
12:04pm, 5 Sep 2020
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What I mean is, I have a spreadsheet with a load of macros and the person with the highest age grading gets 50 points, the next highest 49, and so on. There's a men and ladies competition. We have 5 race categories (10ks, halfs, long misc, short misc, mixed). There are 4 races in each category, so a total of 20 races. People have to do at least one race in each category, and a total of 8 races to count, so the maximum number of points available is 400.
Sep 2020
7:52pm, 5 Sep 2020
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BIg G I wasn’t thinking virtual, actual races but any you want. I know the flatter ones would give people an advantage but then again people could search you the quickest if they wanted.
Sep 2020
8:00pm, 5 Sep 2020
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It kind of kills the purpose of club champs though, having club members in the same race.
Sep 2020
8:22pm, 5 Sep 2020
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But that’s almost impossible to do with the small race entrant numbers. With my way you will get members at most events (as there aren’t too many the choose from at the mo) but it doesn’t mean people will be excluded if places run out as they can do a different event.
Sep 2020
8:44pm, 5 Sep 2020
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Yes it probably is impossible. I guess the question is whether a club champs is worth it under those circumstances. All races will suit speed merchants (for the distance in question) and others that do well on hilly courses and/ or trail/ XC don't get their chance to shine.
Sep 2020
7:12am, 6 Sep 2020
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From an admin point of view I think that would be quite difficult/time consuming. Currently if we get 50 members in one race it still takes me about 1hr to find each member individually, type in their times manually, double check everything for typos, process the results, generate them in a readable format and upload to our website. Then often I have to go around it again if someone’s time is wrong (either in the results or if I’ve made an error), or if they’re not in the results as a member of my club and they’ve contacted the RD to amend the results (it’s a rule of the competition that they have to be in the results as our club, and I just search/filter for our club’s name). In our competition we have 20 races so after each race I just look up the results for my club for that race. I think potentially allowing people to choose from whatever races they wanted would be time consuming for me and also open to error on my part, as I’d get a lot of messages saying ‘hey, I did such-and-such a race - can you add me?’. I don’t think that would be easily workable in practice.

Before we had the spreadsheet with all the macros it was even more time consuming as the then admin had to go to a different site to generate the Age grading for each person (type in their DOB, gender, time and race distance for each individual and race), but the spreadsheet does all that now.

If we can get the volunteers to do the time keeping say twice a month I think I’ll suggest a club-only time trial somewhere local, and see if we can get some interest with that. The local Tri club did a club only run-bike-run-bike-run event on Friday evening and it proved really popular.
Sep 2020
6:48pm, 6 Sep 2020
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My Garmin 245 predictor finally thinks I can run a sub 17 5000 (16:58 current prediction). Given I just ran an 8.7 sec PB for 3000m (9:35.89), and I've run sub 17 since I've run 9:50, I think it's safe to say that the predictor is a bit out, but at least it's closer than it was previously. My old watch would predict 16:06 off the current VO2 max and adding 7 secs gives 16:13 which would have been a decent target if there were track 5000m races.

It also thinks that I can run a 3:06:06 marathon which is extremely optimistic given my longest run this year is 10.8 miles and I've done 12 runs above 9 miles (all from May onwards as I was injured earlier in the year).

My understanding is the new predictor is supposed to be the shape you're in now, whereas the old one was what you could achieve of current base fitness with targeted training? Seems the limits on both ends of the new predictor need loosening.
Sep 2020
6:56pm, 6 Sep 2020
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I've pretty much given up on optical HR working in races for me. Thought it might work better in a longer race but nope, still giving number that are too low.
Sep 2020
7:48pm, 6 Sep 2020
4,807 posts
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Windsor Wool
I ran a 10k today in 36:56. My Garmin says my VO2max has gone up to 63 and that I should be able to run a 33:53 next time out.

That’d be nice 😂.

Impressive 3k SPR. Can’t comprehend that pace!

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2025 targets:
Charles - Ghent - 30 Mar
Mark J - Christchurch NZ - 13 Apr
riggys - Tissington - 27 Apr

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London
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