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The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

2 lurkers | 334 watchers
Sep 2020
12:50pm, 7 Sep 2020
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Presume tempo = threshold? Definitely needed for getting best performance (PB shape) but general fitness is what's going to account for most of your performance.

Regarding mileage, your feeling makes sense but 40-50 is still high and you need less to maintain once fitness is gained.
Sep 2020
1:19pm, 7 Sep 2020
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I'm going to go into WW's defence; I'm feeling the same, though partly as I only really race 10ks when I'm in the middle of a mara programme I suppose it's even more accute for me. I just lack the confidence of all those miles under my belt, and perhaps also with the absence of parkrun to really test things out it's much harder to get a sense of where you are at the moment.

Anyway, welcome the Fetch Sandbaggers club WW... ;-)
Sep 2020
1:26pm, 7 Sep 2020
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I think there's a difference between knowing you're fit and being nervous about being able to execute. My guess is everyone is nervous about being able to execute first race back but with heart rate and other numbers, you should trust you're fit.
Sep 2020
1:32pm, 7 Sep 2020
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I've seen the opposite where people are fit and for some reason aren't racing where expected so it's not a given that racing well will happen.
Sep 2020
1:34pm, 7 Sep 2020
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The difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you’re shit :-)

I’m in the latter category for running right now, for sure. Aiming for around 40 mins for my return to competition.
Sep 2020
1:38pm, 7 Sep 2020
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At least I've got evidence there that I'm not as fit as I would be under a mara plan, certainly in HR terms.

Interesting to see WW in another place comment that it was fairly normal as a racing experience, despite the paired-waved starts. The reality is for most of us in the positions we find ourselves in in races, they are time trials first and foremost; running to a watch / HRM / pace, rather than just keying off others. I know that's not true for everyone, or indeed for every race, but it does mean that the TT nature of some of the events at the moment shouldn't provide a great excuse for not performing well.
Sep 2020
1:41pm, 7 Sep 2020
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I don't believe that's true Larkim. Others around have an influence whether you realise it or not.
Sep 2020
1:46pm, 7 Sep 2020
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Windsor Wool
agree lark, TT with some folks around you is how a race normally turns out for the likes of us, isn't it? For me it doesn't really matter if the gal / guy in front of me pulls away from me a bit, I'm much more likely to judge my pace / effort on how I am feeling rather than trying to cover position in a race.

I'm sure it's different when you're right up at the sharp end. Never been there / never going to be there! Finishing 1st at a parkrun was nerve-wracking enough!

There's still something magic about putting a number on though. I tried to run 7*3 mins 2 weeks ago and gave up after 4 when I couldn't hold 6 min/miling. Yesterday, 6 sub 6s in a row and then a push for the line. I really doubt could have done that in a solo TT.

Anyway, I have a place in the MK 5k special thingy towards the end of Sep so will try a couple of sharper sessions in the lead up now. Yesterday gave me quite a bit of confidence....
Sep 2020
1:46pm, 7 Sep 2020
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Windsor Wool
and I like that quote JDA.
Sep 2020
2:07pm, 7 Sep 2020
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It's not necessarily about racing for position for me, it's about being able to use others and latch on to a group at the right pace. It just makes things easier. Yesterday a couple of runners that finished around me set off too fast opened a gap. After the first KM I knew that I needed to be chasing them down to maintain effort. I passed them both with just under three laps to go but then had no target ahead to chase so was harder to maintain the effort, although I did a decent job as I'd mentally prepared for it. Meanwhile they both latched onto me and actually both beat me in the end (one in a photo finish!). Pretty sure all three of us would have been slower without the other two around us.

I think I can TT fairly well these days in certain races and I love the road relays (even there you can sometimes use slower runners to keep effort up) but I wouldn't want to do it all the time.

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2025 targets:
Charles - Ghent - 30 Mar
Mark J - Christchurch NZ - 13 Apr
riggys - Tissington - 27 Apr

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London
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