Dec 2023
8:26am, 3 Dec 2023
16,010 posts
Ours is 2 mins down the road, open all hours, friendly staff. Mostly garden rubbish from us, far too much to compost. But they handle everything up to asbestos which has to be taken to Skipton with a booking IIRC.
We are also starting a bit of decluttering, we’ve found it helpful to just think of when you last used something, if it’s a decade or more it can almost certainly go and even after 2 years it may be marginal. Also, just chucking the worst half or third of something you have a mass of (eg clothes) isn’t likely to be a mistake and clears a lot of space for low effort.
I need to break more crockery in the washing up though, that seems to multiply over time, especially mugs.
Dec 2023
8:53am, 3 Dec 2023
20,095 posts
We had a gap between selling one place and buying the next and rented a small flat and put our stuff in storage. Paying £x per month to keep stuff you haven't used for years certainly helped with decluttering. But mostly suffering from the same problem as v'rap - oldest son in particular has bikes, rowing machine, books, furniture etc. that he doesn't have space for in London but hopes that he will do when he's older.
Dec 2023
8:55am, 3 Dec 2023
32,405 posts
I too have a house full of other people’s stuff. Even ours is impossible to declutter as there are long arguments over Every. Single. Item.
Dec 2023
8:57am, 3 Dec 2023
72,550 posts
Lip Gloss
Thank goodness my clutter is my own
Dec 2023
9:04am, 3 Dec 2023
7,973 posts
Not decluttering, but on a recent sort out I found - - a running jacket from 2007. Asics, from Sportsshoes, £110 reduced to £20 at the time. Only used occasionally because back then (when I was running faster) it was 'too hot'. The past week it's been perfect, glad I just put it on a hanger and left it. - ditto 3 large US cotton company branded long sleeve shirts (Compaq Custom Systems, if interested) which must be pre 2003 (when HP took us over), and also been great for the cold snap.
- another tick in the 'keep it, it will come in useful sometime' box, at least for me!
Dec 2023
9:05am, 3 Dec 2023
4,178 posts
Pou Pou LePhoõk
I decluttered a few years ago, and never regretted it, although it was occasionally difficult, especially with items like books. 'I could never get rid of books' is a common refrain.
In tandem with decluttering, is not buying more stuff...
Dec 2023
9:13am, 3 Dec 2023
6,358 posts
After a lot of decluttering during lockdown, I have regretted getting rid of only one thing - and that was a bit of running kit. I had a Concurve (what Gore were called before) Windstopper top which was too small and I hadn't worn for about 15 years. I always used to be too hot to wear it, but after losing a couple of stone and getting older, I feel the cold much more, and I so wish I'd kept it.
We got rid of a lot of books during lockdown too. I think I've ended up rebuying 2 of them, the rest I haven't missed. But we are completely unable (and unwilling) to stop buying books.
Dec 2023
9:30am, 3 Dec 2023
19,511 posts
I’m the same re books, quimby. My budget is much smaller now that we’re retired but I’d still rather buy than borrow because I like to keep them 🙄 If family ask me what I want for my birthday or Christmas, I usually refer them to my Amazon wish list.
Dec 2023
9:40am, 3 Dec 2023
66,655 posts
Raptor Tat Tat
I found it a bit difficult to get rid of my first tranche of curated books. I never had any problems throwing out crap books, even when books could only be bought by going to a bookshop or by signing up to one of those "clubs" whose business model was to lure you in, send you hardback books you didn't want, charge you for them, and make it impossible to return them. Then I had to thin out my books again when we moved house, before and after. I'm not at all sentimental about books now, though I keep some at home.
Dec 2023
9:47am, 3 Dec 2023
7,361 posts
Kindle is the answer.
No clutter, carry all your books with you on your phone if you don't want to carry your kindle device around with you.